Sunday, January 27, 2019

Strange Things.

So yesterday was kinda odd. For one thing I slept 9-1/2 hours.  :)  that was last night. At work though my phone automatically reset itself. Deleted everything, and restored it, except you have to download all the apps again,  and it doesn't remember all your usernames and stuff. Also I have no contacts anymore. 

The contact thing may seem like a big deal, but I don't really text much. Eventually, I'll get them back. You know you'll get a text,  ask who is this? Etc...  

I saw a bad movie. The favourite, or my favourite. It's up for Oscars probably,  so they played it here. I just wasn't interested  in the storyline,  and the ending was awful.  Don't even know what it was supposed to mean. The acting was good in it. Work went fine.  That was my day. It's cold outside so for dinner I had leftover pizza. Another day I may have gone out, but who wants to go out to eat when it is so cold. You have cocktails,  and you just get colder.

I've been thinking lately there isn't much on my mind. I got nothing really important to say. January is almost done, and then March is just around the corner.

Really Winter is just January and February. 2 months really. December is fine, and March is the beginning of longer days and temps. will probably start creeping up. I love the change of seasons. Everything looks different.

I've done this thing a while,  and I guess one could get to know me pretty good with this thing.  There isn't much to me is there?  Kinda a pretty normal'ish person. No redeeming quality really. My life I live is simple. Not a lot to worry about. What is kinda nice is there is not a lot of people I need to be in contact with. You know, my phone can be off, and it is no biggie. You sometimes see where people want to spend less time on their phone. Just something I thought of. I am not very important, so it isn't vital if I am accessible. It doesn't matter.

That is a quiet lifestyle I suspect. I like it. Today is Sunday,  which is one of my favorite days. I get stuff done, and then work, and have a day off. Starting my Sunday with 9-1/2 hours of sleep is pretty nice.

I have a pretty quiet life. One in which I don't really matter. I mean that in a positive way. It's free you know?  I like working so I do. I stay busy. Most work days are heavy step amount days, and I work 6 days/week. I like that too.

Everything about my life I feel pretty positive about. I've been led to a pretty easy life. Also my heart is such a way I enjoy it.

Can't ask for more than that.

Anyways, I spose.  

Laterzzz.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeee.     :)))

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