Monday, July 19, 2010

How Did I Do It??

That is my thought. As you know I usually wake up pretty early.  I had a full day on Saturday, and I was beat.  As a matter of fact, I fell asleep, while we were hanging out.  After dinner we stopped at a friends house, and I proceeded to fall asleep on the couch.  I had some drinks throughout the day which made me tired, but I think we were all tired.  Plus I had the 15 miles of running.  Anyway we got home, and I went straight to sleep.  I slept til 8:00 am.  I woke up tired, and my legs were tired, my core was sore.  I got ready, got on my bike, and took off.  I did my 27 mile loop,  came home peed, filled up with water, and finished up another 24 miles.  I don't know how my legs take me on a bike when in all honesty I barely wanted to walk.  One of the good things of biking as a x-train exercise.  I got off the bike, and I had that weird biking rubbery leg feeling.  The legs were toast, but the funny thing also of biking is once I rested for 20 minutes the legs were better.  I felt better than I would have if I didn't bike.  Pretty amazing.  One other thing, before I tell you something of myself from days long ago.  I know my training has started.  A switch was turned on inside my head that said time to go.  Time for the training to go.  I didn't know I was in maintenance until I realized now I am training.  Just something I thought I'd let you know. 

Now some of you may know this and some of you may not.  After my step-mom died of cancer my Grandpa died around 8 months later.  My college girlfriend and I broke up on my birthday.  (Katrina)  I was relieved.  I was alone.  I wanted to be alone, because I was searching.  I was "Into the Wild" searching.  What I ended up doing was working, and reading the Bible a lot.  I wanted to be a good person, but the more I read the worse I seemingly felt about myself.  It was a hard journey.  At this point I had the mirror.  I had an idea of  what I felt a good person would do.  What they should do, and how they should be.  I could not live up to it.  I prayed for help.  I said I try to be good, but I cannot.  It was right around this time Lora and I became friends.  I don't remember the timing of it.  She had a rough life, and I felt so sorry for her.  She was so honest.  I really don't remember the timing of it to be honest.  Being honest with ourselves is a tough thing.  We might not always like everything we see.  It is a necessary step though.  Realize I have been through it, and have come out fine. 

This is a journey, this is not a Boom today everything is done.  Be patient, all will work out.  There will be some bumpy days, but your hobbies will still be your hobbies.  Fun you still will have.  Smiles and laughs you still will have, but you will have those rainy days.  Those days to reflect.  Those are necessary too.  An important part of the journey.  Some paths will be easier than others.  Like I have said before we will have plenty of good days, and I hope for a lot of them for you.  Don't be afraid of the reflect days, they help us on our way.  

I am going to link to a post.  I don't have permission, but this blogger is so courageous and so honest.  You should check this out.  She really is amazingly brave. 

That is it for today!!!  :)

Hope you all have a Great and Awesome day!!!  :)

xo's!!!   :)

Love You All!!!  :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I like your positive attitude!

P.S Here is a link to my new Blog site.