Friday, June 11, 2010

A Quickie!!

What???  Oh dear Lord,  A blog update!!  Pathetic!!!  You people are really pathetic.  I am going to have to keep my eyes on you folks.  SHEESH!!!

Lisa picked up a late shift to help someone out or something, so she went in late, and I still left early.  I had the house to myself.  I sat outside, listened to music, and burned my dinner.   :D

It was great!!!  Well, except the house smells like shit now!!!  HA HA!!!

Hope you all have a great and AWESOME day!!!   :)


Love you all!!!!  :)

White Sox take 2 out of 3 from the Tigers.  Now let's clobber us some CUBS!!!!!

Have a great weekend!!!!  Racing in the heat!!!  YIKES!!!!   :(

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