Sunday, June 2, 2019

Sundays Off.

So this is my first regular scheduled Sunday off, which is now my new normal. It feels strange,  cuz I don't know how the day should work. I'll survive it though. ;)

I found out on Friday our driveway gets done this week. I am pretty excited actually. The last big project will be done. I had no idea I would be so excited.

Also the IT book I am reading is giving me insights to me as compared to you. I am the kids in IT. I already know and understand the impossible truth. You are the grownups. You cannot see anything. You would probably have to read the book to know what I am talking about. I find it interesting. I don't think it particularly helps anything. The impossible truth is pretty scary. I am not scared anymore though,  cuz I've overcome twice.

I would imagine you suspect there is something better. It's why you look for heroes. Try to find contentment somewhere. Is the meaning of life written somewhere?

How does one be happy, and content most times. Not wanting anything more. Not having to be angry at shit anymore? 

On our own we can't. We can try to excel in things to really differentiate ourselves. To prove our worth,  but that doesn't work either. You still won't be content. Our hearts are not perfect. Not made for feeling content. Too much stuff in the World.  So much to see, so much to distract us. For you to live your best life, you had to go another route. You weren't willing.

So now you are the grownups in IT. We only remember the kids, cuz they dealt with the impossible truth.

I had no idea about the impossible truth. It kinda got shoved down my throat. I couldn't tell anyone, cuz they would think me bonkers.

At some point the story opened up. I think  during the wait at some point. My story opened up, but I could not open your eyes. That is not in my power.

Where do we go from here?  Not really sure. Me, and you are different. I can't bridge the gap. You cannot be part of the Loser' s club. 

I kinda have to battle IT one more time. 3 times total is my path. I do it solo,  but with help. After overcoming twice already I have no more fear. I may be scared as the time approaches,  but not right now.

Right now I have my day to day. Today is a day off too. I am going to like my new schedule. For one I can plan on mixing with no down day of Monday anymore. Coming up on the busy season I think that will be good.

Anyhoo, I spose.

It's light out, so I guess I can't run in my pajama bottoms today.   :)

Laterzzzzzz.         :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeee.          :)))

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