Friday, June 14, 2019

Just What The Doctor Ordered.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I slept really good last night. Lemme check. 6 hours and 42 minutes. Day before was 6 hours and 41 minutes. My light, deep, and REM sleep are all pretty normal. I average around 45 hours of sleep each week I see. Between 6 and 7 hours each night. On average.

First off my erosion plan didn't fly with the boss,  so I got some work to do. That's fine. As long as there is a plan,  I can labor. The plan is in place.

Yesterday was rainy, and I kinda liked it. For one I could drive to work,  and get groceries after. It was a non workout day too. It was like 55°, windy, and rainy. Basically cold, so I made more of a cold weather meal. I did all the dishes too. Sometimes that shit piles up. I kinda wanted a cold weather day I guess. I didn't feel guilty for not working outside. I love being outside, but I guess yesterday was just a nice change for whatever reason. Today will be nice, but maybe not so sunny. It's a workout day too.

It's Friday,  the end of the week kinda. I am well rested, and ready to go. You always want to start your day feeling recharged,  and I do that most days. Tomorrow I open up our driveway to park on it. It will be 8, and 9 days of the 7 recommended.  (2 days to pour) Just to be safe you know. Also, I am going to put a sealer on after the 4th.

Other than that my life moves on. It's pretty easy,  and pretty fun. Work,  eat, chill, sleep. I guess I should add chill to the equation since I definitely do that. The end of the day you know?  Kick back, chill,  and eat a meal.

I like having my days filled. Mostly I never feel guilty for having a lazy day. Maybe cuz I rarely do. My life is pretty much set I guess. I know my days will fill up. I know I'll mostly be content with them. I will fall asleep, and wake up recharged. Ready to do another.

Nothing too complicated about me, except the fact you cannot walk in my shoes. My shoes are exclusive. Special order if you will. You cannot pay for them with a currency of this World. Nope,  they are special. I am not even in the best shoes yet. Those come later. You were born with your shoes as we all are. They may have changed directions as the wind does,  but they are still the same ones.

They are ones that don't help you feel content. Always another thing to strive for. My shoes I didn't get cuz I was perfect. I got 'em cuz I was faithful,  and obedient. I didn't harden my heart. I believed,  and actually asked for courage. I knew I was to play the fool, so I needed a heart that could endure that. I wasn't really good at that you know?  I did care what people thought,  and I had no desire to play the fool.

Now my heart is strong. I am confident, and secure. Either you are with me or you aren't. If you aren't you are welcome to go your own way. I am not responsible for other's actions. I am powerless to do much of anything. It's not my story being played out. I am a vessel being used in a story. I ain't special in the least.

I know who I am. I know my path. Confidence and assuredness are pretty powerful stuff I guess.

Anyways, I spose. I'll take Hope for a little run. Super slow and easy.

Laterzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeee.          :)))

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