Monday, June 17, 2019

Probably My Best Day Off In A Long While.

It wasn't because I did a ton of fun stuff. I didn't go out to eat anywhere special. I didn't go to the beach or anything. We had a plan to get a lot of shit done, and we did. I got all my normal Sunday stuff done, and worked a good 6 hours outside. We got half our driveway stuff done. It wasn't hard at all,  and it is coming out fine. I think we will be able to finish it today. We might have got more done, but it started raining. I didn't even see rain in the forecast. The rain this year has been pretty great. I haven't really had to water much at all. Temps so far have been pretty mild too. We have had a pretty excellent Spring.

I sat outside, and had a couple drinks. I have a limit I keep myself too. I almost went over.  I had another drink poured untouched.   :)  if we finish the sidewalk area today, which is pretty much all we have left. Than we can do the patio to the side. That should be easy. Nothing we are doing is hard at all. The job when looked at it's entirety looked pretty daunting.

I slept a lot this weekend. I looked at my weekly miles. I crossed over the 80 mile barrier. I don't feel worse for the wear. I was over 18,000 steps on my day off too.

Not a ton else going on with me. I feel good. I feel rested,  although I wasn't excited about getting up at first. I am excited about getting our stuff done.

I guess things are just kinda fun. Today will be busy. I have to work,  workout,  help Lisa finish what she doesn't,  eat a meal, and chill.

I guess everything still is easy. Sleep comes to me naturally. Today I thought I woke up tired,  but I am not. I am ready for another day. My day off had more labor than usual, but I am no worse for the wear.

Okay, a dumb update I know, but that is how my life goes.

It's pretty easy. Mostly cuz how I seem to always feel on the inside. Time to take Hope,  and read IT.

Laterzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.          :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.        :)))

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