Sunday, June 23, 2019

Got It Done.

So yesterday I did my work thing. Like 8-1/2 hours. Stopped by the local lumberyard to pick up a few things. Friday night Lisa brought home a truck load of paving sand, so the side driveway patio was a go. I leveled as best I could, and put the patio down. Paver after paver. A fuck ton of them. It's done. If I did this shit more than once each decade I would have done a better job,  but whatever. It ain't too shabby, and now we have a place to cook out and chill in the front yard. Actually two, cuz we have a little patio nook outside our front door too.

I've been busy this week. To the tune of 94.5 miles of steps. Yikes. I really am not even tired. A busy day to day will probably energize you more than make you tired.  That's my guess anyway. It seems it does it for me.

Today I think I'll see a 10:00 AM movie. Anna is out. I like chicks who beat the Hell out of people and kill them too. I don't know why. I like the John Wick films too,  so I guess I like to see people kick ass.  I finished listening to my 11th book in the Alex Cross series. Think of the movie along comes a spider. That's him. I have like 15 left or something.   Not sure what I do after that. Another series.

So after today our front yard will be done. We have a project in the back to do. Just taking down a fence. It will be a pretty easy job. We are going to use our two free dump passes to get rid of shit too. Then all projects outside are done. Then it is just upkeep and normal shit.  The driveway was a big of the puzzle. 

So things are looking up I guess. My life is pretty fun. I live it on my own terms kinda.   I don't need anyone to be happy. It just comes internally. The grass is green where I live.  Even if there is snow on the ground.  I have so much stuff in life I just don't even have to worry about.

I don't worry about anything.

Anyway today is a day off.  Yay.   :)

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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