Sunday, June 16, 2019

This Before Reading.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I woke up early, and kinda worried about what to do. IT. I forgot I've been reading a chapter or two after my runs, and before work. Today I have off, so I could read a good chunk.

Yesterday was normal. I worked,  and saw a movie after. Godzilla. It was fine. I wanted to see Men In Black, but it started a half hour later. After that we went to the local lumberyard,  and got everything to finish the side of our driveway, and sidewalks. We'll start today,  and finish tomorrow if we don't finish today.

It's kinda nice starting your day off with a plan. I have stuff to keep me busy. I figure I'll work til like 1:00 or two or so, and then chill. Maybe go to Saugatuck for some Rum Runners. I do that at least once per year, and I skipped last year. That would be fun.

Not a lot going on with me. Can't wait to get my update on weekly miles. Pretty sure this week will be my record. I may approach 80 miles I think. That may turn to my norm, cuz work will be stupid busy for a couple months minimum. I doubt I see many if any weeks at my main job at 40 hours or below.

That's fine. We did our last costly project in the driveway, so that's it. Next year we are planning on building a deck in our back. Cut out a window,  and turn it into a door to step onto the deck. We currently have a shitty concrete slab patio. It sucks. I may do something else too. We'll worry about it next year.

I feel pretty good being busy. It's exciting you know?  A lot of stuff to get done. It's fun. It helps a ton I am energized. I am excited to get stuff done. I like my days filling up. Today will be good,  cuz I am going to get a lot done. I'll feel good about myself as I usually do. My day will be filled with labor. I'll start the week off in a good frame. My day off this week will be fun.

I decided to blog before reading, cuz I won't blog if I don't. Also my schedule now is such a way I can conceivably blog 6 days/week. That would put my blog totals pretty high for the year. Not that it matters in anyway. Running stats don't mean anything, but they are fun to check out.

Also it's not important I do this so often. I don't feel i say anything too important. It's just what I do you know? 

I have a day to day, and I write about it I guess.  Not that it is terribly exciting. It's just my little life.

I like it.  :)

Laterzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

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