Sunday, June 9, 2019

9 Hours And 35 Minutes.

That's how much I slept last night. I was in bed around 11 hours. That's not exactly living it up before your one day off, but I guess that's fine. Keeps me in my schedule. I did some googling yesterday. I found it's best if I water my freshly poured concrete, so I did. A lot. It's supposed to rain today, so I probably won't have to today.

I must have been tired yesterday. When I was driving home from work I saw some activity going on by a park by the water. Looked like maybe the library was putting it on. Families with their kids and stuff. My first thought was that looks boring. Drove by the crowded farmer's market. I do like the farmer's market. Saw the boats in the water, and someone pulling a sea doo with their car. That seemed like a lot of work. So I was  in a negative mood.

I cheered myself up by doing dishes,  and watering the concrete. I was going to grill a dinner, but went to bed instead. I could have done whatever I wanted, and sleep was what I wanted most.

Today I am up early. Ready to start the day, and that is the way I like it. I may see a movie today, cuz of the rain. Dark Phoenix is out.

I think today should be pretty okay. Remember too, I get out at 2:00 PM every day. All days can be good on my end.  Best if I am not tired, but I like sleep anyway.

Laterzzzxzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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