Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Not Much Going On Here.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I dozed for an hour after my early alarm,  so I am behind. It's a workout day, and best I take Hope before. It's fine, just less time for reading. I am getting toward the end, and it's pretty exciting. Yesterday I didn't feel like reading after work. I dozed for a bit when I got home, then did a few things. Ate dinner,  and watched a few episodes of its always Sunny.

So basically a normal day. Today shouldn't be too different. I have to get a haircut sometime, and buy some more shorts for work. I ripped a pair yesterday on a sink. I lost one recently, and another already have a small rip in the pocket. They are old. I don't even like them.   :)  Plus I still have some shit to do outside. This is why the change of seasons are good. There is a lot of shit to do in the Spring, Summer, and Fall. In the winter everything slows down.   The furthest thing from my mind is seeing a movie after work.  Mostly I hope I am not too tired, and I feel motivated to get shit done. At least that's the way I feel today.

We still have stuff to do, but it's not even July. Speaking of I'll have a whole extra day off next week. That will come in handy.

Holland is sorta a tourist destination in Summer, although I suspect the West Michigan coast is. Where people find the time is beyond me. I am too busy, and have too much to do. Who would be able to relax while on vacation?  That's how my life looks right now. I am cool with it too. On vacation you spend a ridiculous amount of money. While working you make money, and I'm too busy to spend it. Not really I guess, cuz you spend money while doing projects. I'm okay though. This existence is fine. I'm not looking over my shoulders.

I'll tell you something I thought of. I don't give a fuck about College Baseball, but Michigan is in the championship, so I googled college World Series, cuz normal sports outlets don't give a fuck about College Baseball either. For some reason Google showed Zach Lavine  is selling his mansion somewhere. Putting it up for sale. The dude is probably in his mid 20s I am guessing. He plays for the Bulls.  A mansion?  Property taxes are one thing. Upkeep is another.  I suspect professional athletes have to have that shit done for them. That's a lot of money. Also I suspect a lot of rooms to not use. Whose furnishing them? 

No matter who you are you'll always find ways to blow money. Bigger isn't better anymore. Bigger is just more stuff to spend money on, and more shit to worry about. I could see the excuse you have all the money you'd ever need, but nobody ever really feels that way. It's not how we are made. The 52 year old me would buy property, and build a small house if I was 25, and a multi millionaire.  If the 20-something me was a millionaire who knows.  That wasn't going to be in the equation post turn anyway.  Last thing I gave a shit about was money. 

Til this day I find it silly people think money in whoever's hands make their lives better. Give money to this cause for whatever reason. Money is an entity of this World.  It's not real. It's just something most/all are enslaved too.

If you're argument for a better World has money in the equation than your whole premise is wrong.

Money does not change your insides. To fix yourself don't rely on money.

Easy to say right?  Everyone is in a money rat race.

Anyway i spose. 

Laterzzzzzzz.        :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.         :)))

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