Thursday, June 6, 2019

A Day Came And Went.

Our driveway is almost done. They'll pour cement today. It's a pretty impressive job. It's part know how, and still part creativity. At least for ours cuz we have a sidewalk, patio, and flower beds. It's going to look nice. It's just a crew of two older guys. It's a good trade to learn I feel. I am impressed with the job they are doing.

I slept over 7 hours again. Slept past my early alarm again too. After today everything will be settled. I wonder if the excitement of the driveway getting done has me being more tired. You know excitement stress? 

I made brats last night on the grill, and grilled zuchinni. It was good. I went to bed super early. We were just chilling outside. I was about to go back out, and decided to just go to bed. Tired me =I may as well just go to bed.

I love sleep. Nothing like a good night sleep. I don't love it enough to not wake up before I have to though. I like getting up early too if I am able. I didn't take Hope before work the last two days, but I read IT. I am definitely taking Hope in a couple minutes. I've been driving to work too, so I can get the vehicle out of the way for the driveway people.

Next week everything will be normal. You never know how I'll do with the early alarm however. School is out now, so everything will just be a bit busier I guess. Luckily this isn't Derry,  so no group of kids will have to battle IT.

Assuming all the cement gets poured today that finishes all major projects on the house. Still some minor stuff to do. Fun stuff though. You know improvements,  busy, steps,  outside Summer stuff.

Lisa has a friend battling a nasty bit of cancer. Treatment is pretty brutal. Life looks different there. I am not in that place. Outside of an accident we will all visit that place. The unknown future. Inside I guess I don't really worry about myself. I feel okay. Cancer is so bad cuz it's invisible. You never really know.

Anyway, I guess I'll have a day today. Can you imagine my driveway will be done?  Pretty exciting.

I got really nothing. I have a day today. I am healthy,  so I might as well enjoy it.

Now let's get those steps. Only 21,000 yesterday.

Laterzzzzzz.           :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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