Monday, March 18, 2019

Waking Up Early On A Day Off.

You know a day off looks quite different when the high will be 40-something instead of like 11°.  What can you do in 11° weather?  Yesterday I got all my Sunday shit done. The warm'ish weather has me wanting to do more maybe. My Sunday is really a pretty good day. I get a lot of shit done before work. Back in the day I was always a pretty good 2nd shifter. My secret is wake up early.

So, not much else going on with me. Another day done, and another day started. Hard to believe eventually these days run out. Contrary to popular belief we are not doing anything important. Nothing of lasting significance. We all are just living out our days.  It would be a shame if some are doing it with anger in their heart.

We were listening to Howard Stern last night at work.  He was asking Ronnie, I think, why he is so angry. Ronnie is seeing a shrink. A new one, his last one fell asleep on him during a session.   :)  Howard wondered cuz he is angry,  and he doesn't really know why. Howard has more than enough money, so that is telling for people who believe wealth is the key to happiness.

Our current President is as angry as anyone. He confuses his anger with a very judgemental heart. Everyone is wrong,  except the problem really lies with him. Throw away the scapegoats.  The shit in your heart is your flaw. Not others.  I suspect he believes he is so right, cuz he believes himself to be very intelligent. Introspection is far from him, so very little hope for him.

Before one can fix the World one must fix themself. That is where you stand. Your deeds will not amount to anything.   When you embark on the journey to fix yourself you will discover how weak and powerless we really are. The arrogant have a very very hard/ route. They don't believe they are flawed. 

Anything other than going this way is a waste of time. I'd rather play solitaire if I am going to waste my time. 


Til next time. 

Laterzzz.      :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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