Monday, March 25, 2019

The Excitement Of The Day Off.

So many opportunities to do stuff. I know tomorrow my day off will never meet the expectations I have right now, but it is still pretty exciting waking up like this. I do have to work out, and do the finance thing. Lisa bought us new suitcases for traveling. That is one less thing to do today. Ill probably do yard work. Get shit taken to the road. Lisa already got a start to it.

I did get all my shit done yesterday. It's why I love my Sundays. House gets cleaned,  dishes,  and all laundry folded and put away. At work I am busy, but it is pretty stress free I guess. I am getting better at doing donuts. It ends up being a fast paced night,  but it goes by quickly. I am typically frying donuts before 5:00 PM, and decorating is done probably between 8:00, and 9:00. Also they are separated for the two locations. I do dishes package whatever is left,  clean up,  and mostly we are out before 10:00 PM. A day of accomplishments I guess. It's the little things that make me feel good I guess.

Other than that not much. The 10 day looks fine. My outlook looks good. I got that Seattle trip coming up. That should be fun. Life is fine I guess. Really not much for me to worry about.

My highest gas bill this season was $87. That is pretty nice. My gas bills will slowly fall down to nothing. If it gets hot and humid, the air conditioner can really increase our electric bill. That pretty much is just July, and August, and maybe only 1 week or two where we'd have to turn it on. Lisa's thermostat is whack,  cuz of her age, so she may want it on more.

Kinda nice waking up with nothing to worry about,  feeling good,  and just contemplating your day. I like it. That it is Monday, and people are starting their week is just a feather on top.

As you can see there is nothing on my mind. I'll hit publish anyway. I've been blogging a lot this year. More so than usual for some reason. 

Guess I got more of nothing to say this year.   :)  probably more like I wake up early almost every morning.

Oh well.

Laterzzz.      :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeee.        :)))

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