Thursday, March 28, 2019

A 17,000 Page Treatise On The Value Of Proper Fork Usage.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am good. Yesterday was fine, except we had to drive to pick up the car. About a half hour each way. I hate driving, and I hate when my day has that kind of glitch. Whatever though.  I got my workout in, but not the home part. I can do it this morning. It's just pushups,  and pull ups,  and really you can do them every day. So no biggie. My steps were just under 25,000, so fell short.

Other than that everything is okay. My investment account is up and running. I add $100 every week. I'll be the weenie who looks all the time probably.

Other than that not much. We did go out to dinner last night. We had a view on the water. There is a walkway, and I was surprised how many runners passed by. Dinner was good. It was kinda an expensive place, but whatever.

In about a month my schedule will change. I'll have every Sunday off, and work on Monday again. That is fine too. I'll have all of Saturday afternoon off, and all of Sunday. It should be okay.

What else?  What else is sometimes it is a struggle to write something here. You kinda search inside for something,  and sometimes nothing is there.  My days are pretty typical. Work, be active,  eat, and sleep. I don't do politics,  cuz why would I want to be angry all the time. If people try to shove it down my throat I block them. Keep that shit to yourself. I don't want to see it. Everybody is getting angry about shit, and nothing really gets done. Sow in hate, what do you think you'll reap?  You do the Devil's work, and you believe you are in the right for doing it.

I don't have a cause I am fighting for here. There are no causes really. We are just living a life. I'd like mine to be without anger. I don't particularly like angry people either. They tend to want to spread their disease. It's either that or they actually have to deal with their main cause of their  anger.  Easier to spread misery I spose.  Who wants to face the fact they are flawed. An angry heart has personal issues. Not political ones, but the weak will ALWAYS get that confused.

So today I have a day. There will be work, and steps,  and a run, and stuff. Just like yesterday.  Hopefully today I will be closer to 30,000 steps instead of 25,000.

I spose.   I really got nothing. 

Laterzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.       :)))

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