Wednesday, March 20, 2019

An Unexpected Sleep In Day.

I guess it was always a possibility. Our appointment with the tax lady was at 6:00 PM. I am usually am finishing dinner, and settling down at that time. We went to dinner after. It was probably a late for me night. No clue what time I went to bed. I was tired after work too. It was a 30,000 step day too, so I was busy.

Other than that not much. All things considered it was just another day. The tax man giveth us an extra $1300. My IRA contribution really helped. The rest of the week is mine. I have to drive today cuz of rain. Last I checked it is going to rain most of the day so. It works out good,  cuz I can get groceries after my workout. What to do for dinner. Maybe lasagna. It's been a while.

I don't think I thought of anything significant yesterday. It's always good to get the taxes done. It's good to get a refund too, but I guess $1300 isn't that exciting. My how times have changed. I hafta say my days typically are kinda the same. I labor for ~8 hours, and have time to do what I want. I eat a dinner and crash. Like I've said before I don't have a lot of stuff to worry about. I don't have a lot of baggage. We all are imperfect so everyone carries baggage. We can't dress up in Saint's clothes. I've gone through my life though. This piece of crap has been accepted before being the best a person can be. When I started my journey decades ago I obviously had no idea what I was getting into. From suffering to the solo journey in the wilderness it all seemed very hard.

The energy returned that one night, and it was like a get out of jail free card. I knew I had more to do,  but I knew it wasn't then. So, I was free to live a life. It was pretty typical. Typically unstellar. Then the running blogs started, and so did I again. I kept living for the final thing I must do. I knew I didn't have a future, but look at me now. I did have a bit of a future. The wait started years ago. Eventually I must do that final thing,  but I have no clue when. So I live like a normal human, although deep down I know I got that thing to do. That thing makes my current life pretty much no more. I'll be different, and so will my life. The World?  No clue what it will look like, but it probably won't be great days, but obviously I cannot read the future. I was given the outline to the story kinda. I knew the end. The when I have no clue.

Anyways, my days remain pretty easy. Work, eat, sleep. The future I am not concerned with. That part for me is taken care of. I am not sure how scared I'll be when I do that final thing. You never know how much you can change when you are taken to the judges.

Still I don't worry. I am in good hands, and my heart knows it.

Anyways I spose.

Laterzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeee.     :)))

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