Thursday, March 21, 2019

I Toll You, Time Keeps Moving.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was a pretty good day. I did make lasagna like I said I'd probably do. I got my workout in. Almost forgot about the home part,  but remembered while the garlic bread was baking.

Let's see if anything happened yesterday. Nope,  not really. Yesterday was a day, and today is another. I feel well rested. I got to bed early enough.  I was a bit tired when I got home yesterday,  but I did have time to relax before starting dinner.

I really did not have a thing to worry about. After work,  or working out if it's a workout day I don't have anything I have to do. My life is super easy like that. It makes me think others must be quite busy. I ain't driving kids to soccer practice. I don't really have to be accessible. I don't really get important emails or texts or phone calls. Outside of my daily labor I am not really counted on for anything. After work, I do whatever for a couple hours, eat, and then sleep. Last night we watched a couple Frasier episodes.

Life isn't easy I spose. My life is. I guess the secret for me is my heart. It's just fine with who I am and how I live. I don't need more. I am content in how things are.  My vice I keep moderate. I don't go crazy. I stay busy, and active. Typically at the end of the day I am tired.  I typically sleep pretty good too.

I guess so much of who we are comes from the inside. My insides are pretty laid back I guess. It's all good you know?  Yesterday was a day, and it was okay. Today will be a day, and I suspect it will be okay.

I dunno,  I guess I start out each day mostly positive about stuff. It helps living these days is easy as heck.

Whatever.  I spose. 

Laterzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.       :)))

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