Thursday, November 23, 2017

The Days Of Future Passed.

Whatever the heck that means.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing good. Yesterday was pretty okay. We got our furnace in, and it seems to run a lot. Not sure if that is normal or not. I think the guy said when your furnace runs, you want it to run for a longer time.  I think it does that. Whatever. I have him coming back to put in a humidifier,  and reroute a heat run. Next year I'll put in an air conditioner.

So,  anyway. Not much going on with me. Yesterday was a pretty easy day. I met up at a local place, and had a couple beers.  Lisa, and I went out to dinner,  and then I crashed. I slept in today too.

There really wasn't much on my mind yesterday. I basically have two months, and all of a sudden work will be like one mile away from me.  Having a Southside location can potentially make our jobs much harder. The population base on the Southside is much larger. Not to mention the excitement of a new established business opening up a whole new base of  operations always adds a buzz of excitement. I am not sure how the schedules will go, but I might have to get rid of one or two part time jobs.

Today I'll be able to finish the leaves,  and take Hope. I work tomorrow morning. I also have Sunday off too, so that will be nice.

Really life just goes on. Nothing too crazy goes on with me. I am confident, strong assured, and all those things. I don't really have a worry I don't think.  In the game of life I win. I won it. When seeking out a purpose I was led in such a way that led me to where I am. It just so happens the place I currently am at you are not.

Your life is whatever you created.  It just so happens all our self created paths are not built with perfect vision. It's just stuff you do.  Back during the journey I really wanted perfection, cuz I was tired of being scared. I hated being judged.

Perfection ultimately is the end of this story.  Faith is believing when spoken to, and being obedient.  I've done that. Faith is not being perfect, but the end of my story is where Faith and perfection meet. It just so happens my path was filled with a lot of judgement. Prior to overcoming the 2nd time that bugged me. Judging people makes them not want to be open and honest. Eating the Apple brought judgement into the World, and that is why we all want to hide our flaws.

I never hid anything from my help, cuz that was my strength. People could judge me, but I still was always open. Able to be seen. Now it appears I cannot be touched. Unaffected anymore by anything. As I finish up this current version of me, I just get stronger and stronger. That's what it seems like anyway.

I remember earlier saying people should jump on board sooner rather than later, cuz it is going to get harder. Just one of those things I felt, and it seems to be true.

Part of the problem is as time goes on I realize how very little I can do. I've played the fool a lot, but I wasn't the foolish one.

To be strong, assured, and content is a good thing. Especially since I have no hidden agenda. I seek out no profit in what I do. I just live out my days doing this. I do probably have quite a bit of profit stored up is my guess, but that is elsewhere,  and out of my hands. It doesn't even matter though,  cuz the important part is just feeling as I do now.

What more could one want? 

Anyhoo,  I guess that's good. 

Have fun.  :)

Kill an Indian.   :)


xoxo.   :)

xxoo.   :)

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