Now you know my blog list is pretty random. I randomly started reading the original 4 blogs in my list a little over 1 year ago. It has grown, shrunk, grown, and shrunk throughout the last year. Reason being, I don't have all the answers. I trust the original 4 though, probably cause I have read so much of them.
I sometimes worried about reading girls blogs, just cause I am a guy, but as everyone who has ever read me knows I am a happily married guy. Girls typically are more open and honest than guys. Not always, but as a general rule. Guys have baggage to overcome. In that regard guys typically are the weaker sex. Girls make better bloggers. :)
Sometimes you stumble across a new blog. I was reading one, and
came across this, as it was linked. (Maija's boyfriend) How about that last paragraph? He doesn't have all the answers. He questions things. Cool. Now that is why I read blogs. Pretty cool. So on a day where I was about to shrink the list, I added to it. Another guy too, how about that??
Shrinking the list kind of tells you what kind of Monday I had. I was hoping for a good one, but it was pretty tough. Still I got some stuff done though.
I biked to work. Did my shift. I don't think I did a very good job yesterday at work, but got done what needed to get done. It is going to be a hard week though. I biked home with the wind. Averaged 64 mph. :) I was going to get a run in. I did get a short one in. The legs didn't feel that great, so it was only a 3 something miler. I took the dogs for a walk, made a good dinner, cleaned the kitchen, and even did a bit of laundry again. I went to bed early too. Now that is still being productive on a crappy day. I even had time to sit outside, and took some pictures of the flowers again.
You know what?? Maybe my day wasn't so crappy after all, even though I was not always in the best frame of mind. Weird!!
Weird blogging time I know. Insomnia.
Hope you have a great day!! :)
Oh yeah, and Lisa made it to work, but didn't feel great at home. Nasty bug of some sort. Hope I don't get it. So far so good, I feel like a million bucks.
Now let's have a good Tuesday!!
Oh one other thing. I said a little prayer kind of. Maybe just a thought, but God hears. I would hope to be nicer to Jackie. (mother-in-law) I have the ability to help people in some regards, and would like to help her if I can. I know some of her path. I'd like to help her in a nice way. A nice honest way, not a mean honest way. You know??
The Pictures!!