Tuesday, February 18, 2020

The Monday Binge.

So, the show I started watching on netflix is called Locke and Key.  Holy crap is it good. I binge watched it last night. Well,  not the whole thing, but til after 8:00 pm. I wanted to watch another episode too. It is a remarkably good show. Think stranger things on steroids. 

It felt good just binge watching tv on Monday. I did get my workout in, and over 12 miles,  so it still was a busy day too. Tonight we are doing our taxes, and probably go out to eat. 

Yesterday was a non drinking night too, so I hope it leads to a string of many many days, but today is just one day I need to get through I guess. It's not really a hard thing to do, except in the afternoon when I somehow easily entice myself. Go figure.  

Can you imagine quitting heroin or ciggarettes?  Alcohol just makes you feel good,  but those two come  with the extra baggage of making you feel bad when you quit. Alcohol you quit you dont get the high, but you feel pretty darn good the next day. I also have the extra benefit of not craving alcohol til after a busy day for chill time. The wake,  and pop the pint of whatever has never been my thing. Anyway, hopefully today is day 2 of 2 in a row.  

What else?  Not much. I find life to be pretty uneventful. We just go about doing our day to day. Mine is pretty easy really. It helps a lot I am basically just busy, but not too busy. I don't typically feel I don't have enough time to do the things I want. I am not adding more stuff, although once the weather changes more stuff will pop up. Spring does that. 

As your life goes on as you get older I expect you hope you are healthy. I don't know the percentage of people who aren't. How many don't get enough exercise?  What percentage could stand to lose a few pounds?  

Say a person is overweight, and they eat fast food, do  they feel guilty?  Do they want a healthier lifestyle?  Is it an internal, where some want to eat good?  My internal has me mostly doing healthy stuff, but my internal has me drinking alcohol at the end of the day too. Alcohol I think is just plain bad for your heart. 

Running is hard if you never run. Strength training can be a chore week after week til like a year or so later when it isn't.  A train gathers inertia as it starts moving, but it takes a great amount of energy to get up to speed.  The start is always hard. 

Quitting alcohol seems so easy to me, but at the end of the day it sometimes isn't. If I had the entertainment of a Locke and key show everyday, it would be easy to quit. Boredom is alcohols teammate I think. When you are bored you want something to spark up your life.  

Anyway, between health, exercise, finances, vices, life is probably a struggle for many. We want to do right shit, but we don't want life to be boring.  There is so much shit we can do that is bad for us. Luckily I binge watched the show yesterday after having worked,  12 plus miles of activity and a workout. Binge watching without those things probably ain't great for you.  

Anyway, I spose. A day off of drinking always has me excited about doing it again.  

We are strange creatures huh?  

Laterzzzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.        :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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