Friday, February 14, 2020

Back To Normal.

So, I am feeling back to normal. I've been dealing with a bit of anxiety this week, and I feel fine now. Anxiety once again is one of those internals we don't really control. People take pills for that shit. I can see that. Once it's got you in its grip you can't really control it. 

Yesterday was a pretty good day. Just productivity wise. I ran the snowblower, raked the roof, did dishes, ran the robot, cleaned the Guinea pig cage, and made dinner. Over 13 miles yesterday. With a little luck I still might approach 70 miles even though I was off Tuesday. The next two days have to be big step days.  Saturday is not a problem,  today may be though. Usually Friday is not a long work day. This time of year anyway. We did get some more snow though,  so I guess I get to run the snowblower again. I find I am enjoying it this year. First year with the driveway. I kinda like getting my driveway done so I can look arrogantly at my neighbors who still have snow on theirs.    :)

Oh another thing this week is I have been sleeping 7 hours each night. That pretty much never happens.  I feel like i am a pretty good sleeper. I go to bed at the same time, I don't go to bed with the tv on hardly. I don't have a busy phone. I don't get a ton of texts. I don't text hardly. I don't really need to check my phone much, so it isn't a distraction. I am in bed to sleep. Its I sometimes feel, I don't know. You are "supposed" to get 8 hours of sleep,  and I rarely do. I typically get up way before I have to. I could sleep more if I needed it. This morning I stayed in bed til my middle alarm. 7 hours, and I am fine. I am that person who doesn't need 8 hours of sleep, and I am not taken into consideration.  Against the norm.  

Anyway like I said yesterday was a pretty good day. Mostly because I got a lot done. The chicken noodle soup tasted great. I didn't add as many noodles as I usually do, and that made it better. Sometimes the noodles drown out the broth. Not yesterday. With noodles less can be more, even though I love noodles.  I am driving today,  so I'll pick up something good for dinner. Maybe a steak and potato night. I get to work tomorrow,  which is awesome. Sunday I have off, so I'll do my typical thing, and maybe find a project. 

See, everything is fine.  

Laterzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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