Monday, February 24, 2020

Happy Monday.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am doing good. It is Monday, and the start of a new week. Another non drinking week hopefully. Actually it has to be cuz of blood pressure,  and genuine health. Yesterday was pretty darn good. I went shopping yesterday, and it was fun. I did Meier, Sam's,  and Bed Bath and Beyond. I had a 20% off coupon, and I needed a pizza stone thing. Plus I got a couple other small things. At the Meier checkout they had a magazine all about cast iron pans, so I got that. It had instructions on how to reseason your pan, so I did that. Plus it has recipes and stuff. I was a flat out consumer yesterday. I had money, and I wanted to spend it.  :)  Actually I just got shit you need, but never really think to buy. 

Plus I got all my Sunday shit done. My Sunday was made easier by me doing a good amount on Thursday. Tomorrow is Fat Tuesday,  so there will be plenty of paczkis to eat. I may have two today. I want a plum one, and a lemon one. 

Not much else going on with me. It is a workout day. Its Monday too, so two days off beforehand. I'll be strong. Weather is nice for a bike ride. I got a little ahead at work on doughs, so I won't have to make one. There are two special doughs I make,  and they are time consuming. A Danish dough for Danish, and coffee cakes,  and a croissant dough. Any time I dont have to make one of those I gain a good amount of time to my work day. I'll have time to help with paczkis probably. 

I am thinking of buying a model. Just something to put together. Something to do. I would have bought one yesterday, but Hobby Lobby is closed on Sundays. I did look at Meiers. 

So life goes on. Another day, and another week ahead. I guess politics will be in full swing now. I guess Bernie Sanders is a shoe in to get the nomination. I am sorta surprised. he had a real good showing last time, and he seems stronger this time around. 

Can he beat Trump?  Trump has his supporters,  and he probably has just as many people who hate him. If trump ran against no one it still would be a toss up. Trump isn't smart so he will get killed at debates, or he'll say something really dumb. Sanders probably can beat Trump. The left will get behind him. 

Will he though?  I have no idea. Give me a month or two more of not paying attention,  and I can give you another uninformed opinion.   :)

My life is pretty good. I don't do stupid shit to make my life harder.  I don't owe anyone anything. I am not supposed to be this or that for anyone. I don't have weekly meetings of any kind. I have no deadlines of any kind. Outside of work there is NOTHING I have to do. Have to kinda sucks.  Weekly meetings suck too probably. I am free I guess you can say. Not a lot of baggage tearing me down. I don't have a lot of stress either. 

I want to stay active. Get rid of my vice of drinking, which is going good. Workout,  make money, and save money. I want to be happy,  and I guess I am. I can look at anyone else's life, and all I can say is I would rather have mine. No one has what I have. 

Anyhoo, time to take Hope. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.   :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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