Wednesday, February 19, 2020

A Good Year On Taxes.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. So since I put $6000 into a traditional IRA my taxes went from a $4 net refund to like a $1200 net refund. That's kinda a good benefit huh?  Just putting $6000 into a retirement account my taxes basically get lowered by $1200. Of course I have $5000 less money in disposable income, but the $6000 was in my Discover savings anyway, and I don't like  to touch money from there anyway. You cannot put $6000 in any kind of investment, and a few months later basically make $1200.  The $1200 will get deposited in an account I do spend $ out of too.   :)

That is kinda a pretty big deal all around. It helps i am 54 going on 55. I am not too far off from being able to use my retirement for spending,  but really i want to save for 15 years. Retirement accounts are risky of course,  but whatever. They still buy assets when you put money into them. I also have my other non ira account, and that gets tied up in funds and stuff, and you feel you cannot touch that either. 

It is a good thing I don't spend a lot of money, since I seem to be putting a pretty good amount in areas I don't want to touch. Good thing I don't like vacations too I guess, cuz ideally I'd like my spending accounts to accumulate too. 

We went out to eat last night, and it occured to me how bizarre eating is. A dinner is a meal people tend to enjoy. I saw this girl chewing chewing, and chewing. Seems odd right?  How significant eating is to us. 

There were two girls next to us. They were pretty big. They had a meal, and were drinking a pitcher of margaritas. I drank two glasses of iced tea by the way. Since my change of medication my blood pressure is slightly elevated. Like 140 over 80. That is kinda at the point where you might up the dosage.  I am trying to self medicate by not drinking. Drinking it occurs to me is just plain bad news. 

I may have genetic triggers that make alcohol increase my blood pressure more than some, but I am sure a lifetime of consistent drinking was not great for me. Today I will shoot for day 3. Me, not drinking is like me taking a pill. My old medication could give me low pressure, but I developed a cough. If I could drink, and keep blood pressure low, than there is no risk. 

You know also what I like to see is my heart rate being like 10 bpm lower when I don't drink. I find that to be kinda crazy in a way. Give me a week, and then 2 weeks of not drinking, and I bet my blood pressure is golden. Last night it was easy to drink iced tea. I didn't even crave alcohol. 

I finished my Locke and key series. It definitely is one of the best shows I've seen in a while. I swear it may be better than stranger things. Its really good. 

Other than that not much. It was a busy step day. Taxes are done, and money coming to me.  I have to work out today, and I'll have a dinner. I watched my outsider episode too. Today should be a good day. Pretty excited about doing it sober. A way for me to self medicate my blood pressure. I am not worried about those triggers either. it seems their power is waning. A low resting heart rate is more exciting to me. Its good to learn about your health I think. Geez if I didn't go to a doctor my blood pressure would have always been about 160 I bet. 160 over whatever.  I didn't mind running blind while I did, but it is risky to say the least. 

Anyway,  a thing I've learned from me, and George Carlin, drinking alcohol is bad for you. Even moderate drinking fucks up your sleeping heart rate. It's a blood pressure killer too. It's legal, but it isn't good for you at all. Our vices will kill us, I guess. Lucky for me is a busy lifestyle. Active. That is such a good thing about my life. 

Anyway, I spose.    

Laterzzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.        :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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