Thursday, February 13, 2020

All In A Day.

So, I  got a call at work yesterday. I saw it was from the teeth people. My teeth got done early, so I was able to pick them up. I can already tell this morning my blood pressure is lower. I was anxious about getting that shit done. I was stressed and anxious about it. Crazy huh?  

Then I thought about how I am not a good traveler, and shit like that. It occurs to me, I am just a wuss. I love my routine, and maybe a lot is I don't really like change against my routine. My routine is so easy for me. 

I guess I can be a worrier. Always thinking what can go wrong. When your blood pressure spikes,  then you start worrying about that. Anyway, I guess I learned something of me. Pretty much I am a wimp. In my old age I guess I got comfortable. 

I didn't work out yesterday, cuz I had to go get my teeth. It's like a half hour each way, so, I skipped. I picked up some groceries on the way back too. Then I pretty much just chilled.  I made a super easy meal. Sausage, mac~n~cheese (cracker barrrel), and peas.  A meal under $5. I had a piece of fresh bakery bread with it too. That's free.    :)   see what I mean?  You can eat good tasting shit cheaply.  Of course it isn't as healthy as you can eat, but its it's good, cheap,  and simple.  

There are a lot of simple meals people can eat cheaply.  Spaghetti,  tacos, homemade soup, fajitas, chili etc...   if you go out to eat it is pretty impossible to not spend a fortune.  

We got a little snow last night. I was thinking of biking anyway, cuz it could be fun. I see it's going to get pretty cold though, so I guess I'll have to bundle up. I'll be making chicken noodle soup for dinner though, so it should be a perfect night. 

So, what else?  Not much. Its valentines day Friday, so that is a good day for the bakery. A bad day if you want to go out to eat. I may see if I can pick up a prime rib or something. obviously I am not a hallmark holiday person. I feel holidays get so overdramitized.  The days are just days. The days will eventually end. We'd like to keep the days going as long as possible. I thought about that yesterday too, when I was stressing about my BP. I really was freaked in one day it could just go up. I figured boring days without alcohol are probably better than dead days.    :)  As far as we know anyway. 

Anyway, my cough has mostly disappeared.  A little remnant I guess. It was pretty annoying. It was just from my medication too.  

Anyway today is a day. I'll challenge myself by biking in the cold snow. I'll work, and come home. Probably read my book, and do some cleaning.  I am going to check my BP in a bit too, although I can already tell it's fine.  I am not stressing.  Stress is weird huh?  How do you even control it?  

Anyway I suppose.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.        :))) 

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