Thursday, February 20, 2020

A Day Was Had.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was a pretty big day. Just under 14 miles, and a workout to boot. I was kinda tired during my workout, so it was a bit harder than normal,  but I still am surprised how strong I am anyway.  My weights have increased a pretty significant amount from when I started. I've definitely gained muscle,  and my weight is okay. Some mirrors make it look like I have a bit of a belly, and some don't. Regardless,  I could lose a few pounds probably. My goal was 160, and I'd like to see what that looks like. I am 165 now, so not much different. I've been eating a lot this week though, so it may be a weight gain week. 

I took my blood pressure this morning, and yesterday afternoon. 132/77.  That is acceptable for sure. I did have one drink yesterday once my 132/77 showed up, but didn't turn one into more, although I could have. I was driving to pick up shredded cheese. I  thought of picking up a bottle for another drink. I decided I didn't want it. I was watching a show, and I didn't want to mess it up with alcohol. This morning I was 132/77 again. 

At my age i definitely am interested in being healthy. Drinking I find to be more unhealthy than we imagine. At least in my opinion. So, it is Thursday,  and I have had one drink this week. I'd like to end it there too. 

On any given day there are things we want to do. Yesterday was a big day, but I was tired when I got home. I did buy a bag of garlic this weekend, and I peeled them all, and put it in the fridge. At work garlic comes like that, and i think its brilliant. Having garlic cubes ready to grab out of the fridge. Perfect. I did make my homemade refried black beans for tacos too. I have been named the official black bean maker of the house. We had tacos. 

My sleep wasn't great last night, what with not having the 3 drink sleeping pill, but I dozed off after my early alarm, and that helps. Last week I was sleeping 7 hours, and this week 5. 

Today, I am going to drive to work. Maybe see a movie, and maybe get a haircut. We'll see about the timing of stuff. I really want to read my book, but that really seems to take a backseat to almost everything. It probably doesn't help my days do typically tire me out. I do feel I am done with the down season of work. I may have short days, but I won't mind working longer to get more done. It's nice to get out early, but I don't really have those 3-4 drinks to come home to. Also more money is never a bad thing. Especially,  since I basically want all my accounts to grow. 

We have fat Tuesday coming up,  and st. Patrick's Day, so all of a sudden February will be in the rear view mirror. Spring will be rolling around, and I feel it will be a busy Spring for me. 

Today will be day 4 in my non drinking thing. If I can't see a movie, it would be nice to get shit done around the house. I have to take Hope too since I am not taking her this morning. 

Things are okay, I guess you could say. Still striving for a better version of me. My blood pressure reading high was probably a very very positive thing for me. Quitting drinking I kept trying to do, and hopefully it sticks this time. I think it will. Just one day at a time. Life does have more to offer than the afternoon 3-4 drinks. That's not all we can do.  

Anyhooo, I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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