Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Not Too Tired.

I wasn't too tired yesterday. I got my full workout in, and it was easy Monday. After two full days off, I typically am feeling strong. I went to the local lumberyard, and picked up some paint, and some trim for my projects. That was important, cuz I don't have to workout today, so I can come back home after work right away, and get to work so to speak. 

I got the dishes done, kitchen cleaned,  and ran the robot. I also had salmon for dinner. I watched my show on HBO,  and actually went to bed to read. My sleep was split, cuz I woke up for a couple hours. Coughed some, and read some. Probably would have slept better if I had a cocktail beforehand,  but it really does feel good to not have any. A different kinda high I guess. I also took Hope after work too, so I definitely wasn't too tired. Definitely a good start to the week. 

I have to follow that up with a good today. It's kinda an important week for me in that I wanted to just get extra stuff done.  I do think it is little things like this that will make for a good year. A little spark to get shit done. I can't say that's always been there.  It does feel good to get shit done. Like you are succeeding in the day. 

Outside that not much. It is February, and there is no snow on the ground hardly. That is pretty much a win. Mild winter is always nice. It probably leads to a hot Summer. If that is a case our AC will get a workout. Our furnace barely runs this Winter, but maybe our AC gets a lot of work.  It's all speculation though.  

It's a Presidential Election year. I guess there will be shit going on all year. Last time there was Trump, which I doubt anyone took serious. Also Clinton who came with baggage. I did vote last time more as a vote against Trump. Maybe Michigan was close I guess.  It was a late in the game decision to even vote. I am not a big voting guy.  I did vote for our Mayor this year, cuz I sorta knew who he was.  I sorta knew his wife from running. He's going to be the guy to redo our outdated wills.  

Anyway it will be an entertaining election. Very divided the people are. The left really dislikes Trump. He's kinda a dick. The right sorta supports him, but Trumps biggest strength last time was an anti Hillary vote. There really is no reason I see to hate the left people as much as the right hated Clinton. Hate will mobilize the left. I don't think it matters who wins the nomination. The right won't have hate, and Trump is the one with the baggage now. 

It will be close regardless.  Women may be the deciding factor this time around.  Regardless it will probably be entertaining to those who will pay attention.  I saw Rush Limbaugh has advanced lung cancer I think.  I wonder if he smoked. I thought about him. He's a mean dude. Probably helped create as much divide as anyone.  Good chance he dies now.  I think death trumps other things in life.  I wonder what he thought about with that info.  I could kinda see the absolute mortality thoughts coming into him. I wondered about people dying. Do they know they are about gone?  Do they know they are close to breathing their last?  Do they just fall asleep?  

Anyway it should be a good year. I feel I'll be busy.  I'll continue to quit drinking til hopefully I quit failing at that.   :)  I'll get shit done around the house, and I'll continue to realize what people like Rush Limbaugh do don't matter one bit when they face their mortality. I bet people like him have pride though, and feel they are important,  and have been important.  A career of anger and hate multiplying doesn't really seem like the noblest cause, and there are a lot of people stuck in his trap.  

Anyway, gotta run.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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