Friday, February 7, 2020

Another Day Down.

I had a day off from working out yesterday, so I planned on getting a few things done. Unfortunately motivation was lacking when I got home, and I may have been tired. I was going to clean the bathroom really good, but that didn't happen. I did get another coat on the trim, and got the most important piece up. The rest of the trim is baseboard so super easy. 

I don't know why we took our baseboard down or when. How many years?  Has it been a decade?  I got a wild hair, and decided I should put some up. We did get some up however many years ago, but stopped for some reason. I for one can get lazy about doing that shit, and I pretty much don't give a shit. Lisa fills rooms with so much knick knack shit you cannot even notice it. Knick knacks for those who don't know are things you put in various areas to collect dust, and never actually dust them. It's a strange custom with the female species. Archeologists thousands of years from now will be stumped by the sheer amount of knick knacks in our civilization. 

So anyway trim is going good. I have like a half hour of work to finish it up. I am hoping to get it done by this time next year.   ;)

I made spaghetti for dinner. I love homemade spaghetti sauce. I started watching another show on HBO, and crashed. My week home alone is going as I suspected. Same old same old outside of a couple projects. 

I didn't go out and do anything super fun,  because what I typically do is what I want. Work, eat, sleep. The day fills up, I am active,  and on the whole more money comes in then what goes out. 

My life is easy I guess. Not a lot of responsibilities. Not a lot of stress either. I know people all try and make their happily ever after, but we are ill suited for such stuff. What with not being able to read the future and stuff. 

I know I looked at the future in my younger years, and didn't like what I saw. This existence is pointless, so I did what I did. 

Man it is really good to be me. The learning path I took was sometimes really brutal. I was terrified every day. Every second of every day. I really wanted security more than anything. It wasnt bad once the dead years started, cuz I knew my work was done for a bit. There was nothing i could do. Its kinda where i am now. The 2nd part of my labor is done, but i have security. Fear is nowhere near. What I thought I needed for security I didn't. For sure I thought I couldn't be secure while being poor in spirit, but I am. 

Anyway, my story is definitely better than yours.  I was just the fool telling my story to a few. Except I ended up not being the fool, although I often times played one. Confidence I guess I always had, cuz I've known for decades I was right. Security, and confidence are two great things.  It makes me untouchable in a way. 

Guess I better take the monsters. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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