Sunday, October 13, 2019

Back To Normal'ish

Okay, sorry for my rant last time it's not the first time. I've been exasperated how my Dad could blow through his money for months. So he had to keep borrowing money from me. I found out his money goes to a junkie for some reason. He thinks he's in love so I told him I'd bail him out. Whatever, it is what it is. Except when he's supposed to pay me back a portion he doesn't have enough, cuz he's giving money to a junkie still. I fucking lost it. I've been losing it a lot when it comes to him.

I'll tell you something, old people are not interesting. My dad is dumb on top of it. An 84 year old should know their 84, and act accordingly. I'll make him a deal though. The day you get your check, is the day you give me cash. What he does after that I don't care. People can do their own stupid shit. Whatever. It ain't coming at my expense though. Fair is fair. If you are going to fuck anyone over it will be you. Not me. He can move out too if he wants. I don't care either way. That's another thing, I don't really even like him that much. Like I said old people are boring.  At least stupid ones.

Outside that yesterday was normal. Work, see a movie, and watch football. Friday I went to the doctor to check on my cough. My lungs were clear, so it should go away. I feel like I am doing better. He gave me a prescription for it. My BP was sky high at his office. I was shocked. I just checked it in the morning. When I got home I checked it on my machine. It was sky high on my machine too. We figured those stupid Vicks Ice cough lozenges cannot be eaten like candy. I totally was doing that. Later on my blood pressure was normal after that shit was out of the system. Next morning too. I'll check it again,  but I am sure it's fine. I was shocked for a bit. I was just dumb.

Anyway, that is about it. Today is Sunday,  which is kinda a fun day for me. I get a lot done, do some shopping. The Bears don't play so not sure if I'll watch football. Typically I don't care who wins or not. Not really vested in the sport. Not really vested in any sport I spose. Who really cares?  I will say one thing. It appears to me this Wisconsin team may be a generational team. As of now they seem remarkable. They still have to play OSU, PSU, and Iowa too I think, but they appear to be something special. Just what I've noticed. I could be wrong,  but I don't think I am right now.

Outside that not much. I realize if I get angry it is explosive. Good thing I don't get angry much. Life's too short. I don't make others lives harder, I expect the same in return I spose.

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeee.       :)))