Monday, October 7, 2019

How We Draw Up A Sunday.

Sunday is my only day off. I actually like to get a lot done on Sunday. I'd call Saturday my chill out day. After work, typically I'll see a movie, then I'll come home, probably watch football, and eat a meal. I won't stay up late, cuz I just don't.

I don't think I want all my stuff done on my day off, cuz what would I do?  Yesterday I got a lot done, and still had plenty of time to do whatever. I watched a football game yesterday I didn't even care about. Packers, and Cowboys. That's kind of a waste of time. Watching a game I don't care about. I did make chilli in the crock pot for the first time this Fall. Got enough shit for meals this week too. Simple meals. I don't know how I spent $150 on groceries though.

I did all the laundry, cleaned the kitchen, including the stove, planted grass, hmmmmmm...  I think that's it. I tried listening to the first book in the gunslinger series, but I was losing concentration. I am good at audio books, but just not yesterday. Not sure if it is me or the reader. I'll start over again. If I have the same problem, I'll read the books, and find something else to listen to.

Today is a workout day. Glad to be back in my norm. My Friday workout was surprisingly strong. I felt as strong as ever for some reason.

I have a couple things I want to get done today after work, and my workout. I should try and watch the 4th Harry Potter movie. I was thinking earlier it is pretty remarkable the amount of people who know what a muggle is, and Hogwarts.

I was looking at the dark earlier before I got up. You know the little dot-like things that make up our vision in the dark?  Almost prehallucinate like. Then I thought of hidden things that are there,  but we don't see. Having experienced a lot of the hidden things,  I then wondered what normal people were like. Do they have stress about the day to day? 

My only worries today are I hope I am not too tired after work. I got things I want to do. I am not even really worried about it actually. Today is a day that has me in my routine. I like my routine.

Anyway, I spose. I have a day planned. It should be okay I think.

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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