Tuesday, October 8, 2019

The Day Is Set.

This morning didn't go as planned. My early morning alarm went off, and I thought I'd just chill for a half hour. It was around 2:57. 3 more minutes, and I'll get up. I fell asleep. Hard. I woke up twice dead tired, and slept past my middle alarm. I'll take Hope tonight after work. It was surprising,  just cuz I was ready to get up at 2:57. Then I was out.

My day is planned today though. I don't have to work out today, which is pretty sweet. Yesterday I worked out, and the next thing you know it is 4:00 PM already. Time to think about getting dinner ready.   Anyway today I can fill up the yard bin. Tomato plants, and the rest of our great tree pruning project. I think I filled the yard bin 3 times with the great pruning project already.

I failed sober October, but I learned something I already knew I guess. I love the couple hour chill time before dinner with a couple drinks. I don't want a drink at anytime, but my chill time.

Today the day is planned though. Work,  Hope,  yard bin, and tacos. Discover made me an offer I couldn't refuse. They'll give me$25 to join Sam's club,  so maybe we can go there tonight. I am oddly excited about that for some reason. Discover has been good to me. I have a savings account that pays 2%  I just opened an 18 month CD that pays even more than that. For every $45 cash back, I get a $50 Lowes card. I never paid one cent of interest either.

Yesterday was an okay day I guess. I was tired when I got home,  but I did my full workout. I always feel good when I do that. I made a simple meal. Basically chicken and noodles. You know those Knorr flavored noodle things you get for $1 per package?  That was my meal. 2 of those.  Some leftover chicken I shredded, and croissants. I forgot to do a vegetable, but I think there were real strawberries in the strawberry cheesecake icecream I had for dessert.    ;)

Oh I started listening to my gunslinger book I am reading,  and retaining. I think I was just too hyper on Sunday. My mind going a million miles per hour, cuz I had a lot I wanted to get done.

All is fine. I got a day ahead of me, and I look forward to it. I think that extra sleep will keep me from being tired when I get home. Kinda staying ahead of the Fall yard work I spose.

Everything I guess is okay. Super duper kinda. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.      :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.       :)))

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