Friday, October 18, 2019

The Weekend Is Here.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I am still battling my cough, but my BP was normal last night. I slept til my middle alarm, just cuz my stupid wake up at midnight, and not get tired til a half hour before my early alarm. I really wanted to run, cuz yesterday's run was pretty great. I felt like a million dollars the whole day. I decided to sleep in though. It's a workout day, and work should be pretty busy, and I have a wedding to go to tonight. I'll be up a little later than normal. I should still be in bed by 9:00 PM I think. Can't stay up that late. Gotta be back at my other job at 5:00 AM. 

Anyway, I'd say i feel pretty good. I made another dinner last night out of stuff we forgot we had. We did that Monday through Thursday. Cleaning up our freezer. You forget the stuff you buy.  We have a chest freezer too, so things easily get buried. I'll take a look again later, and see how much else we can get rid of. I don't think there is a ton in there though. 

I do feel really good this morning for some reason. Oh, I rode my winter bike to work yesterday. It was fun. It's a big tire cruiser, so you sit upright. It's kinda amazing how switching out bikes is fun huh?  I am excited about today's workout too for some reason. I feel better today, and yesterday than I have in a while. I wonder why that is. Maybe I did have a bug. I know I've been thinking a lot about my stupid cough and BP. I don't know, but I feel pretty good for some reason.  

What else?  Football starts getting interesting. Games mean just a bit more. The cream should start rising to the top. If Houston closes out the Yankees there will be some serious pitching in the WS. I won't watch any games, but I'll check the outcomes in the morning. Basketball starts next week. I imagine College basketball can't be too far behind. Hockey is going. It's a good time of year for sportsing. I pretty much only watch football. 

Outside that I guess not much. Another day on it's way. Like I said I feel strangely really good. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.       :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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