Monday, October 14, 2019

So, It's Monday

What am I going to do today?  I have to work, and workout. Eat dinner, and sleep. Sometime before Thursday,  I have to pick the rest of the weeds in my garden. Get that in the yard bin. Outside that not much. Not very exciting is it?  I am almost done with the 2nd gunslinger book. The 2nd one is good. Before the reader started reading the 2nd book, he spent a couple minutes giving a brief overview of the first book. I was always wondering how a 6 book series could be done in one movie. Book 1 only needs five minutes in the movie. I think they can get book 2 done pretty quickly too. So now I know.

I did get most of my Sunday stuff done. Laundry,  kitchen, Hope,  shopping.  I did end up watching football with the sound down while listening to my book. Football is pretty crazy. NFL anyway. A team's momentum can switch pretty quickly. Weird how that works.

Outside that not much. Just doing life I guess. Getting older along the way. We are just gonna do simple meals this week. Use up stuff we forgot we had.

I decided to take fish oil pills. Mostly, because I don't have enough fish in my diet.  It can help with good cholesterol,  and the other stuff that is bad in me. I forget the name. It's supposed to decrease that. My bad cholesterol is really low, and basically everything in my blood work is good.

So as you can see life goes on. My life mostly is just this non-eventful day to day. It's not really too difficult. I guess we all want that. An easy life, but challenging I guess. Fulfilling. Maybe people want to matter. I guess I have what I want. I am at peace with me, and my life. My dad is a trip,  and he is the only disappointing thing in my life. If only the people who made up his life could see him now. Haha. Maybe then he'd be embarrassed.

Whatever. Anyway, I am going to take my blood pressure, and then take Hope. 

Laterzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.      :)

xxoo.      :)

Byeeeeeeee.      :)))

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