Thursday, October 31, 2019

An Unintended Sleep In.

Let's try this again. I somehow deleted my first try at an entry. Anyway I woke up before my early alarm, and promptly fell asleep once it went off.  :)  my sleep is 6 hours and 38 minutes instead of under 5 hours. So that's good. My legs were fatigued yesterday too, so I should take the day off from running. 

Yesterday was fine. It was a big step day, and I got a good workout in. I made a meal, but didn't clean. Today,  I am cleaning. I'll have to drive, and I don't have to workout. Plenty of time. Plus my extra sleep suggests I won't be tired. Tomorrow is Friday, so it will be nice to have the house clean starting the weekend. I finished listening to my book, so I can start my 27 hour one. 

What else?  Not much. You know me. Yesterday was a pretty simple day I guess. Aren't they all. I don't have any remorse about maybe not getting all the things done. It was a big step day, and I got a good workout in. We worked a full day too, so I was busy. 

There isn't a lot on my mind at all. Today will be another day. It should be fine. Most of them are. I had time to relax yesterday, which is always nice. My life is kinda busy, but not too busy you know?  My heart is fine with how my life goes. 

I am not lonely,  I haven't spread myself too thin. Have you noticed I don't even go to a bar anymore to have a couple beers. It's not my thing anymore for whatever reason. Do you outgrow that shit?  Also my new norm seems to be drink two drinks slowly, pour a 3rd,  but don't finish it. Maybe I am cutting back even more. That would be good,  cuz I wanted too anyway. 

I've also been eating more smart. That actually is easy for me. With food i don't really crave anything, so a simple decision to eat better is pretty simple. Just eat less bad stuff. I don't eat chips,  which is easy for me. I am cutting back on stuff with bad fats. As much as possible anyway. I am not a food weenie, so i don't look at ingredients. You kinda know though. 

For some reason i want to be healthier. Maybe it's an age thing. The older you get the more you think of that shit. I regularly use a good portion of my muscles. I think that is important. 

As to others i don't know. I am fine with me, and fine with my life. Its simple. That is really what we want. Of course we don't create simple lives. Our hearts have to be made content with things. We don't comprehend how that is made though. We think it's about money, and all kindsa other stuff. Really it's just an internal feeling about stuff. One we cannot make. Ya kinda gotta be changed into it. 

Anyway  I spose. 

Laterzzzzzzzz.    :)

xoxo.            :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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