Saturday, August 18, 2018

My Rocking Friday Night.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I don't normally blog on this day, but I am up early enough. Although I start an hour earlier on Saturday, I usually can sleep a little later. Mostly,  cuz I try to wake up early, and run during the week. I also don't shower before work Saturday,  cuz I mostly work by myself,  and just listen to my book.

I typically go to bed early Saturday too,  like I do most days of the week. I was a little sore from working out the other day, but not horrible. I am going to the gym after work today. It rained yesterday,  so I didn't get much done. I picked around 30 tomatoes however. A pretty good start.

I mostly look forward to working Saturday. I feel pretty good while doing it. I am entertained by listening to a book. I have another series I am starting today. 2 authors I read/listened to like 18 of their books in another series. I am even having coffee before my Saturday job, which I never do. 

I usually eat a lot on Saturday too for some strange reason. It's kinda like a cheat day, except I don't diet. I am at a pretty good weight. Kept this weight for a few years or more too, so I don't need to diet. A lot of times I stop for McDonald's breakfast before Saturdays job, and eat a good lunch around 9:00 AM.

My Saturday is just pretty well mapped out I guess. Kinda like my life in a way. I typically know the durection of my days. I typically know how I will feel when I wake up. I typically know I won't have much to worry about, and I typically know I stand on good ground. In other words as I stand now things are easy.

My Dad had a senior moment yesterday. He got lost again, and I think he lost track of things mentally for a bit. Like memory of everything. I had that talk with him if he loses mobility, there isn't much we can do for him. I see old people at the gym riding a bike, or walking on a treadmill,  or using an elliptical to stay active. To keep use of their legs. My dad has some stupid idea he is going to play handball. (Handball is like racquetball, except the ball is harder, and you use your hands)  his mobility isn't great. He's 83 so all shit eventually stops working I guess, but much is his own fault.  The tv watching car driving lifestyle is not the best.

I wouldn't be surprised if much of our dementia we see in older people is just from tv watching. This is the first generation doing it. I just have no idea how old people ended up in older generations. How has the change in diet affected people? 

As you can probably see, and what I saw close to 30 years ago this World is dirty. There is no clean path,  cuz everything has negatives tied to it. When it came time for me to choose my route I correctly saw there was no good one available. My shiny coin could not be used for any good purpose I could see, but there was a path unbeknownst to me, and I took it. It's pretty good too. I just didn't have a teacher to show me the ropes. I had to do it solo, but with help I done did pretty good. Not from my intelligence,  or sight either. I didn't create my life,  and I am not the author. I do get to live these days though,  and I am happy to do it.

Anyway, I guess I'll get ready for work

Laterzzz.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

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