Monday, August 27, 2018

Memo From A Future Colony.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I had a pretty normal weekend. I worked, saw a movie, listened to a book, and may finish reading another one today. Same as last week?  Last week on Monday I helped my brother move some stuff, and I got this huge t.v.  today I don't really have anything planned. I'll have to hit the gym soon, but that's all that is on the agenda.

Labor day is this weekend, so the official end of Summer. Of course it is supposed to be a million degrees today. Remember last year when I took like 6 days off total the whole year?  Ha!!  I still liked it, and I still had fun. I don't feel I ever wasted a day either. Meaning I had time to chill and whatever.

I haven't come a long way. I haven't made huge progress in anything. I'd say I am the same today as last year. I don't feel any different. My Uncle's estate is finished,  so my house is paid off. We upgraded basically everything we wanted to, or will by this Autumn.

We dont go out to eat more than before. Eating out is expensive. Eating a meal at home is more than fine with me, and eating out occasionally is the way I still like it. I don't feel like anything has really changed.

We are going on a short getaway, which we may not have budgeted for,  or budgeted successfully for.   :)

Life is just filled with day to day basically. Money doesn't change that.  I guess the secret to life is be happy with what you do. Unfortunately that isn't as easy as it seems. For you to be happy your heart has to be happy, and as I suggest you have no control over your heart. Just take a week, and diagnose all your thoughts for that week. I suspect three is a lot of things not perfect in your week. Maybe things you want to change. Maybe people you want to change, maybe circumstances. My guess is many blame other things for imperfections in their life.

Most noble deeds come from a good heart. Patience, understanding,  etc...   understanding I do not have, and that was  the goal all along. Understanding comes when one is transformed into the best one can be. There is knowledge wisdom, and understanding.

Anyway life is not mastered by anyone. As a matter of fact you are not even the master of your own heart. Also you have no idea what is in another person's heart, you may not even know what is in yours,  and why.

We people are quite the creature. We hide behind clothes,  and groups,  societal norms, and any number of things. If you could strip everything that makes you up, you will not find perfection.

You can't play that part honestly. As I suggested before being better than Hitler doesn't mean shit. Why is perfection out of your reach?  What is your flaw (s)

Anyhoo,  I guess I'll start my day.

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Laterzzz.    :)

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