Wednesday, August 29, 2018

It Was A Million Degrees Yesterday.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I had to drive yesterday, cuz it started raining before I left for work. My truck was like a Zillion degrees inside when I got out of work. I did not want to go home, cuz I had nothing I wanted to do. I went and picked up lotion I've been meaning to do. I decided to check out a little bar that was close to my house. It's been open for two years, and I accidentally just found out about it.

I think if I go out for a beer I'll go there from now on. They don't have any stupid tv lottery games, and I think I pretty much despise all people who play that game. The other place by my house I seem to not really like a lot of people who frequent there I guess.

It seems going out for a beer after work is a complete waste of time all things considered, but it was like a Million degrees yesterday.  I wasn't going to do anything.

We got our quote for gutters. It will be less than $800 so we will get them installed. Oh, I also got my free $300 from the checking account I opened. Also, I have a short Mexican guy who lives across the street from us. He also owns a house in San Antonio, so he is going to jot  down a few places to check out, including the best Mexican restaurant in S.A. 

There really was not much more going on yesterday. I ran in the morning before the rain, and today is a workout day, so I got stuff to do. Also it won't be a Million degrees today. I can find stuff to keep me busy.

On a day like this it is good to be alive,  cuz I got stuff to do. I'll stay busy, and eventually there will be a meal.

Life kinda sucks if it is too hot out. Talk about not wanting to do nothing. Who wants to live in A.C. 24/7? 

Anyway, I guess I better get going. I have a day I have to start. I think it should be okay. I'll check the weather first. 

Gotta run.

Laterzzz.    :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

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