Thursday, January 11, 2018

Time Keeps Moving.

I think the older you get, the quicker it seems time moves. I wonder why that is. More stuff to do?  Not sure.

Yesterday I was pretty busy at work. I ended up being pretty tired after. It was one of those 35° days, but it was rainy,  and so wet from all the snow melting. I really didn't want to go home. I stopped at a local place, and had two beers. Things looked up after two beers for whatever reason, and I was ready to go home,  and work on the basement wall. I got two more panels up, so I only have one left to go.

We have some pallet boards we'll use as trim. Lisa said she'd do that this weekend, and her daughter will paint the other walls. My work there is done almost.

Time to move on to the next thing,  and I don't really have anything. I guess we can ponder that later. I did make an easy dinner last night too. I made some home made biscuits too. They were pretty good. I always tweak the recipe a bit by adding some spices, but other than that it is pretty standard. I add some cheese always too.

So my life keeps going on. There isn't much to it. Just today I was thinking of skipping coffee, but I think I'll make a cup. I have time.

As far as this blog goes I don't know what this year holds. I never do. As time goes on this is less and less significant. Basically it is just something I do.

In the end the importance of me is basically null.  I am cool with that. Fine by me you know? 

I just do my day to day. No worries really,  and no concerns.  not even a clue what I'll do after work today. I'll finish the wall, but that won't take long.

Anyways, til next time. 

Have fun.   :)

Luv Ya's.   :)

xoxo.  :)

xxoo.  :)

Laterzzz.    :)

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