Monday, January 15, 2018

There Is Still Time For A Pantomime

I don't know how many people know that. Most people think there isn't enough time. I am not sure if they heard it on Fox news or what, but nothing could be further from the truth.  There is Plenty plenty of time for a pantomime.  There got that off my chest.

Anyway, how's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday was a pretty good day. On Saturday I went to see a movie. The Liam Neeson one. I like Liam Neeson movies. Afterwards I rented two more, cuz I was in movie mode. I went to the party for my Sunday job. I got $200 for perfect attendance, and a $25 gift card, I think mostly cuz I always show up, and do my job.  I also got a 3-pack of really good cookie sheets. You kinda randomly pick a prize that is wrapped up. That is what I picked, and it really is something we wanted. I didn't really feel like partying,  so I had 2 Coors Lights,  and a quick little drink before I left. I think I hoped it would make me sleep, but it didn't. I stayed up. I woke up early too, but was eventually able to fall back asleep.

Yesterday I put down the new flooring for my stairs downstairs. I repainted the risers too. It looks pretty awesome. We had to special order the stair nosing,  which sucks, cuz I want it done,  but it looks really good.  I fell in love with my table saw again. It has to be 15 years old, and still works like a champ. It made the job as easy as could be.

After that we watched football,  and had dinner down the street for industry night. 1/2 off. A pretty good day I'd say. I am not sure what I'll do today. I do have some more painting to do. Trim, and redo the walls going down the basement. Our house is really starting to shape up.

I'll probably get another big check this week too. About 1/3 more than the last one. So that's good too. Not that I need it, but we'll finish up the few things we have, and start setting stuff up for retirement.  I won't need hardly any return on investment, cuz our house will be paid off this year,  and we'll just save money, since we have few bills. If we save $30,000 or so each year for the next 15, how much do I need?  Couple that with a good chunk already, and I don't need much all things being equal.

I am going to run out of projects pretty quickly, so I'll have to do other things to keep me busy.

Anyway, this past year made a pretty easy life even easier. I was never one to worry too much about financial shit, and now I worry quite a bit less if it is possible to worry less than the nothing I worried before.

In the end you want to live a stress free life,  but that is impossible right? It is impossible, unless you took the steps I did.

Stress is not about having not enough money. Stress is being a slave to the World. Something we were all born into. You will never escape that on your own.

In a World where humans think they are marvelous, nothing could be further from the truth. You can't know that though. A path of learning you never set out to do. You only learn shit from this World. The secret learning comes from a different source. 

I don't even know how to help you along that path anymore.  You are lost, and I cannot help you. 

Anyway, I guess that's good. 

Have fun.   :)

xxoo.   :)

xoxo.   :)

Laterzzz.    :)))


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