Friday, January 19, 2018

A Day Among Days.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I stayed up late. I got my check yesterday, Lisa got a new for her car. It was a low mileage lease we got for a good price.  She got a car she wanted. It is an  AWD, that gets good mileage,  and is a mini SUV, so it has good storage. A lot of bells and whistles too, which I guess is normal for new cars. Basically a touch screen computer that handles controls I guess.

The main purpose for the purchase is to sell our other car to Hailey,  and her husband, so one, or both of them get a license and run their own errands. Lisa has to do that shit for them, and she has been over it for about 3 years or 10.

So it was a late night doing that shit. We ate in Grand Haven, cuz that is where we bought the car.

Other than that not too much. Work has been pretty easy lately. It is a welcome change after the holidays,  and we never know what March will look like. Working to fill two locations instead of one promises to be challenging.

I think I just wake up every day happy about life, and excited for the future. Not worried AT ALL about my end which is something we all will deal with.  I dealt with life.  I faced the harshest fears. I am secure I guess, and that feels good.  

Anyway, not much else.  Today is a day, and looking forward to it.  I just wish I went to bed at my normal time.  

Oh well. 

Have fun.   :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.   :)

Laterzzz.    :)

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