Just kidding. It was just another day. Anyway, how's it going? Me, I am doing good. I pretty much didn't do shit yesterday after work. I did run the vacuum, cuz we have a new nice one I thought I'd try. Part of our $1000 Bed Bath & Beyond extravaganza.
I was kinda getting excited about finishing that downstairs room, thinking I'll be done for a while. After more thought I keep thinking of other shit to do. Like deep clean shit and stuff. Also it's a New Year, so we have two more dump passes at our disposal. Of course I could just rent a little dumpster for a week to throw crap out. Not even sure if I have much to throw out. Our basement is actually getting empty. I do secretly think about just throwing miscellaneous shit out though.
Lisa hangs all kindsa shit on the walls. I'd be happier with less shit. In the end it all is just fucking garbage.
I know she has a tiling project in the kitchen. Maybe I'll help tackle that. Sometimes you just gotta get shit done.
Anyway, I am just thinking out loud. No matter your circumstance you still have an infinite amount of shit you can do. No matter your circumstance you won't get it all done.
Life I guess is strange that way. You live here. You want your life to matter. It doesn't. You want to be special, and find that happy little niche I guess. Everyone is always lacking something. A human heart is never content. A human heart we don't control. As a matter of fact our heart controls us probably. Leads us down various avenues. Our heart leads our thoughts, and we battle ourselves cuz our wisdom says our thoughts "should" be such and such a way.
That is where fake smiles, and smile and say hi, and shit like that comes from. I was working at the grocery store on Saturday, and one of the lead cashier girls was having the meat counter people do something. Prices weren't ringing up buy 2 get 3 free. Anyway she smiled and said hi. It was a real nice smile, and it seemed sincere for a fraction of a second. The smile turned to something way less even before she completely turned back to the counter. I don't know her a ton, but I think she is just recently divorced.
That is shit that goes on in life though. There are battles in what we think, what we are "supposed" to think. How we are "supposed" to act.
I think maybe we all feel like we got the answers, and our intellect is pretty superior to like the mosquitoes and whatnot, but a human is a fucked up person. Society fucked everyone up maybe. Did cavemen smile and say hi? Did they give a fuck? They had their own shit to deal with.
One thing I learned at an early age is I didn't want to live with angry people. Life's too short. Negative people can be a drag. Perhaps I am negative, but that is just the truth. I am not unhappy. I am cool with my life.
Today I am contemplating things I might do after work. I may not do a damn thing, but make dinner. I am free to do that too if I wish. I'll probably do something though.
Anyway, I guess that's good.
Have a good one. :)
Luv Ya's. :)
xxoo. :)
xoxo. :)
Laterzzz. :)
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