Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Ya Gotta Pass The Time Somehow.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday I did have time to see a movie. I pay $20/month to see up to 3 movies/week. I saw Death Day 2. I never would have paid to see the movie, but since it is already paid for why not?  It's as dumb as you can imagine, but ya gotta pass the time somehow. A Tuesday afternoon at 2:00 PM it's fine. I am definitely not a movie snob. It doesn't have to be up for an Oscar for me to watch. The girl who won the Oscar for best leading role was in a horrible movie. She did a great job acting though. I just thought the story was dumb.

So yesterday was a good day. I should check my sleep. I feel I have a lot of energy again,  but maybe not the amount of sleep one would account for such condition.

Today should be pretty good. It is our 20th anniversary so we'll go out to dinner. I don't feel counting years are milestones really. It's just life. When it's over not much of it is important. We've been relatively well off, and we've been poor. We currently are rich for us, but it seems our life isn't much different. We eat the same food pretty much. We don't eat out more than usual.  It could be an age thing. I am 52, so I don't really want to go out much. Home is fine with me.

There really isn't a lot on my mind. My days are pretty easy. I don't have a ton or things to worry about. Maybe no things. I am going to take Hope in a bit. It's fun.  :) To wake up being ready for the day is a good way to live. To know what is expected of me is good. To know I'll work,  and then have down time is a good feeling. I'll have a meal,  and sleep.

The World continues to move in its own direction. It is of no concern to me.  I have a life. A day to day to live. I choose what I pay attention to. I'd rather pay attention to Death Day 2 on a Tuesday then going home to watch tv. I don't read news, and I don't watch it.

You are what you read is what someone coined once. I feel a lot of people are basically a combination of someone else's opinion. They fill themselves with things they consider to be facts, but have no way of knowing for sure

In the end you'll never know you. You are a product of someone else's ideas. Propaganda entered your heart and killed you. You are no more. You are a product of someone else's written or perhaps spoken word.   Me, I don't have time for such stuff. I have work,  eat, and sleep. Down time, and dinners. Movies and books to listen to. Maybe a Juice Newton or Cranberry Pandora station to listen to.

I don't let garbage enter in me. It's why I don't watch the news. It's how I can do this too,  cuz there isn't much to me.

Anyway, I guess I better take Hope.

Laterzzz.     :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Byeeeee.     :)))

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