Friday, February 1, 2019

The Feeling When You Catch Up On Sleep.

I didn't check my sleep yesterday,  cuz I knew it was pretty nonexistent. This morning it said I slept zero hours yesterday. I doubt that, but maybe 1 hour.   So I got tired yesterday. All our dishes were dirty pretty much so I did those when I got home. I have a routine with dishes kinda so it doesn't take me long.

I put them all away too, once the dishwasher was done, and the rest air dryed. At some point I fell asleep before dinner. I woke up, and had dinner,  and went back to bed. I'm gonna guess I slept 8 hours last night at least.

Today I feel great. The great you feel when you catch up on sleep. I have work today, and workout. Back in my normal routine. It was cool to have days off, but even better to be back in my routine.

Other than that not much on my mind.  I am not really concerned with much. A little bit about snow melting,  and rain. I made over $44 in interest last month from my Discover savings account. They pay 2.08%  my credit union probably would pay .13 cents or something ridiculous for the same amount. Same with my other banks.

It is still zero degrees outside,  which is kinda annoying. Hope hasn't been getting any runs or walks. That's basically all I thought about this morning.  I keep track of the Chicago Bulls too since they are so awful. It would be interesting to see if their young core just turns into back up players for their careers. It's possible.

Yeah, that is pretty much all that ran through my head this morning. I had a talk with my dad last night about how stupid our lives are. I see it as the truth, and I am happy with mine, but I know really this is pretty dumb. We are here for a while and we die. We struggle over finances,  relationships, us being less than perfect entities. Everything is a struggle. People are always pissed about something related to politics it seems.

I suspect people think they are making some mark or something on this planet, but we don't.

I dealt with this life. I lived in the wilderness that one Summer where I saw the World offered nothing. Whatever allure it held for people was a lie. That was the first of 3 times I have to overcome. As they wheeled me up in chains on a bed.

Now I've overcome twice. Still once more to go. This time the wilderness has no power over me. The sadness of life does not sting.  The truth I am not afraid of.

I just have my little life of day to day. Easy peasy.

Laterzzz.     :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.    :)

Byeeee.      :)))

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