Thursday, February 14, 2019

As Expected Yesterday Was Busy.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I woke up after my alarm clock today. A half hour after,  but my phone was turned off inexplicably. So there was no alarm.  I was having weird dreams too.

Yesterday definitely was busy. We worked late, I had to workout, run the snowblower,  and the roof rake. I threw some hockey puck things on the roof too. Of course I forgot I was going to do my home part of the workouts the morning before work,  so I still had to do that. I got it all done.

I did get 7 hours of sleep again last night. Funny thing about last week was I was sleeping 5-1/2 hours and felt less tired waking up. 7 hours of sleep is probably better for me.  Duh.

Not much else to report here. Another day down,  and another about to begin. I will have time to take Hope this morning, so that's good. I will have to drive today, mostly cuz I have no idea how this afternoon will look. I think this shit will melt,  and there might be rain. It will be nasty probably. I should pick up something to make for dinner. It's Valentine's day and all. I know well enough, or at least I think I do, to not go out to eat tonight. Sorta strange this Valentine's day thing huh?  There are so many things in life just forced down our throats as being a thing. We accept them for no reason too.

You can think of any number of slogans and sentiments just for  being a good citizen. If you look closely enough you can see it really does not make any real sense. It's kinda hard to see, cuz your eyes are glossed over.  You were supposed to believe this stuff for a long time.

Heroes are made from History Writers. Slogans are made up to make us feel we live in a very important age. Country Country über Alles.

There is a lot of BS in the World we were born to have shoved down our throats. There is division everywhere. Our side is right whether it's Country, Religion,  or whatever. It's all wrong.  Your Philosophies you spent so much time fine tuning do not make you any better as a person. The things that float in your head in the end are nonsense, and the impure thoughts that start in your heart really are more telling of your true nature.

The first step in helping yourself is actually looking at yourself. It's not looking toward others with blame and anger. It's dealing with the true you. You will see like I did long ago, I surely was no great being.  Til this day, I am not perfect. Currently I am not the best a person can be, but that is a thing, unknown to all but me probably.

I know how my story goes. Geez I was so far down the path. Having endured so many terrifying things. I wanted security,  cuz living in fear is hard.  Now that I am secure the end game doesn't seem so important. Strange really. I'll still do it, cuz that's my purpose. You cannot stop in the middle.  3 times I must overcome,  and that's what I must do. Of course I don't really overcome. This guy here who once was a little kid is in no way shape or form the type of person who can get as far as I am now, and as far as I must go. I am just a vessel used for a purpose. It's not my story. I am along for the ride.  I just wanted to be a good version of myself.

I had no idea this story would be decades in the making. It's fine though. Yeah I suffered much to get here, but that seems so long ago. Few have walked the Earth feeling as good as I do now. Day after day I wake up,  and everything is okay. 

So strange.  

It's not too shabby I tell you.

Anyways, til next time.

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Laterzzz.     :)

Byeee.       :)))

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