Sunday, February 3, 2019

The Great Melt Off.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am okay. Our roof melted. We had some ice, which I thought we took care of last year. On Friday I got on the roof,  and shoveled the edges,  and put a bunch of calcium chloride pucks on there. The front is all clear,  and water running down the gutters. Back is almost clear. I'll have to keep a closer eye on that shit from now on.  There will definitely be quite a bit less snow after the end of the 3 day warm up. One day did a lot.

Looking at the 10 day the weather seems pretty mild. That's good. I would not mind an easy February. Yesterday was your normal Saturday. I worked. I saw the movie Green Book after, and it was great. I totally recommend it. I came home, and watched The Departed. I forgot everyone dies. Today is Sunday, which is one of my favorite days. Get shit done, work,  and have a day off.

The Super Bowl is today,  which I don't really care. There will be a winner,  and a loser,  and much talking after. I don't really care one way or the other who wins. I guess the Super Bowl is probably a pretty big party day. Not for me. I probably haven't even stayed up many of the years in the past. I don't even remember who won it 2 years ago. Doubt I watched it last year, as I don't remember any plays. As far as sportsing, and it's much overemphasized importance, if we don't remember barely one year from the next, how important is it?  It's fun, that's it. Fun to play,  and fun to watch.

Other than that not much. I always kinda wonder how I always feel pretty good working on Saturday. I think it is cuz I am smart enough to get enough sleep. I just remembered that yesterday. I was getting 20,000 steps in before 1:00 PM. That's just little shit I think about on any given day. Just ponder how I feel, and why.

I guess I mostly feel okay.

Anyway, today will be a day.

Mark another dumb update by me.  :)

xoxo.   :)

xxoo.    :)

Laterzzz.     :)

Byeeee.      :)))

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