Monday, February 11, 2019

A Monday In February.

Good morning. How's it going?  I am fine. I have my day off today. Yesterday was fine. I got all my laundry cleaned,  folded, and put away. Plus dishes and stuff, and finished listening to my book.

Today, I don't have much to do. I have to work out. I may look for a recipe in my slow cooker recipe book. May look for a pair of slippers too. I have a pair that is about toast. I may start cleaning, and organizing the tool area in the basement. It's been on our list a while, and not a dent put in the work. Actually it may be worse now.   :)

It's all in a day. I don't know if I ever give myself a turn off day. Today is my day off, and I still got shit to do. I am going to assume that is good for me. I don't always feel great about me after a do nothing day.

Not much else on my mind, except that feeling of having a day off. I don't think it is any different than a day of work. I still look forward to both types of days.

Really not much on my mind. I guess it is comforting to know I am not missing out on life at all. There are no imoortant things to do. Nothing important to see. This isn't really some remarkable place, it's just a place we found ourselves in. Having to live this weird thing called life. All of you currently think you are doing good deeds I suspect. There are no good things to do here though. The World won't change if people don't. People won't change if the World is their master.  You are powerless to change that about you either.

Dead person walking is how we are born in this place. All believe in teachings of a false teacher, cuz that is all there is. Long ago I knew I stumbled onto something different. I had no clue what to do, and I was in the wilderness. Scared, and judged every day. I was mostly spirit at this time so you have no clue what that feels like. I wanted a teacher. Someone who could show me the ropes. Due to a promise I overcame the first time. Due to a promise I survived the heimleblog days. Due to help my heart was made strong enough to overcome the 2nd time. My promise was given to me after I overcame myself. After I overcame the 2nd time I was given another promise. All for good. Meaning I didn't have to be what currently is impossible for me to be. A Saint. The promise says good will be done anyway.

I suspect since this whole thing never really worked out we had to go in the wilderness. So you can learn the futility of all things. The World dresses everything up in bows and ribbons. We hide all our thoughts, lust, envy, jealousy,  anger, and everything else that makes up our less than perfect self. Why?  Everybody's life is goddamn perfect on Instagram.  I assume that, cuz I don't do Instagram. Obviously pics are not my thing. I did it for a while though.

Your life is destined to be a disappointment. The only true way to happiness is the blind way. The one where you give up the story you are trying to create.

Scary yes, cuz the World is your security, and Linus doesn't really want to give up his blanket.

I was able to, cuz I was kinda broken. My life was my own,  I dealt with death, my shortcomings,  and I saw a pretty ugly World that seemed pretty impossible to be clean.  No matter how hard I labored.

Today your life is pretty tangled. It's how we work.  We make more and more webs to trap us even more.  You couldn't go into the wild if you wanted.  Luckily for you that isn't the way to contentment anyway. That has to be done for you. You cannot change your heart. 

Anyhoo, I spose. 

Laterzzz.     :)

xoxo.     :)

xxoo.     :)

Byeeee.    :)))

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