Friday, February 8, 2019

It Is Windy Outside.

Hold On  A sec. I gotta check something.  Okay, I am back. I wanted to check my sleep. I slept 7 hours last night. I checked this week yesterday,  cuz I felt there was an extra pep in my step. A lot of 5-1/2 hour sleep nights with me feeling well rested. So, I did have more energy this week for some reason.  Who knows why that happens. Also on 2nd thought I decided to make a cup of coffee too. For the heck of it.

Yesterday I got my new rims on. They are pretty sweet. Black rims to go with my black truck. Of course Lisa is more excited about that shit than me, but I do like them. Just as exciting to me are the gloves I got. They are warm ones. Found them on a fluke. When I worked at the grocery store I got a pair for free. An employee bought several pairs cheap at a flea market or something. Working in frozen a good pair of warm gloves is a must. These are waterproof,  and my hands don't get cold. Even when biking in cold temps,  so I bought a couple more pairs. Hestra is the name of the company.

Other than that not much. We made pizza last night. It was good. Just another day really. Today is a work out day, and meeting a friend for beers after. I am going to do the home part of the workout before work, just in case I don't feel like doing it after a couple beers. I'll come home, we will do dinner. Probably tacos. I'll crash, and I have work tomorrow,  and a new book to listen to. I may check movies for after work tomorrow too. Just your regular schedule of things I do.

Once again we are at that spot where I let you in on my silly day to day. There seems no purpose to it, but I always wake up feeling I should do this, or I want to do it or something. Strange huh?  For as long as I remember I always woke up before I had to. I used to read a lot during this time, maybe do some cleaning. Now I do this.

At one time I felt there was a point to it perhaps,  but now there isn't much here to my thinking. Perhaps I feel I should kinda turn the switch off, but it doesn't really turn off. I wake up, and do this,  and that's just the way it is.

I know a lot of times I kinda look on the inside, and marvel how good I feel. How at peace towards things I am. My life is easy. I don't stress about much. I feel a person who spends too much time pondering politics just adds anger in their heart. Isn't anger one of the things we'd like to get rid of in ourselves?  Divisiveness is fuel to that fire, and those who spend too much time in that arena make themselves worse people. Doubt people can turn that off though. Year after year people peruse the news looking for the smoking gun that says our side is right, and the other side is wrong. Maybe that switch cannot be turned off either in people.

I use to get white house feeds in my FB. I finally blocked it. I don't want to see that shit. Don't even know why I ever was getting that.  Probably the goddamn Russians put it on my feed.   :)

Anyway, life is short. I am in a pretty good place. A place I didn't make, and one I couldn't make even if I wanted. My heart is pretty good. Free from a lot of the worries normal in just regular living. I have no clue how the gap from me to you gets bridged anymore. I am at a loss for how things go from here. Maybe that is why I have this feeling this thing is really doing nothing, cuz it is of no help to anyone.

I am not gonna worry about it though. Today, I'll have a day. It should be okay. 

Til next time.   :)

xoxo.    :)

xxoo.    :)

Laterzzz.     :)

Byeeee.     :)))

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