So on Tuesday I was having this marvelous day. I worked, and sandwiched around work were 2-3.5 mile runs. I also cut the grass. All I wanted to get done I got done. After this Lisa and I were sitting outside enjoying a real nice weather day. Her reading, and me having a beer. I guess our little dog has been having a problem with the much bigger puppy. Starting fights with the puppy. This is a mismatch unheard in the realms of history. This type of aggression of the little dog will only lead to one thing. So called little dog's neck severed from the body by bigger puppy. This has happened a few times. Well several actually.
On this occasion I had to take Hope out of the area, once I first got his jaws to ungrip from Cammies head. Yeah, it was fucking ugly. First time I have seen this, Lisa is usually the one around when this happens. When I grabbed Hope, Cammie lunged for her and clamped down on Lisa's wrist. It was a pretty shitty bite. Deep, and swelling, and worst of all it hurt Lisa a lot. To the point where she was sitting on the kitchen floor crying from the pain. Trust me, I have seen Lisa cry like 5 times in her life. Doesn't happen. As a husband last fucking thing you want to see. So we took her to the hospital. She saw 87 people in 18 hours to get a vicodin, clean her up, and send her on her way. Pretty good system they got going. :)
That ended that night, so I got to bed later than normal. booooooo. We have tough decisions. Well, the decision has been made. We think Cammie is old, senile?? stupid??? unhappy??? She has some health issues, and itches 95% of the time. She weighs like 25 lbs, and 50 of the pounds is hair. Allergies??? Who knows. There is only one road this leads to though, and it is a come home to a dead fucking dog road. On Friday we will do the more humane thing. We'll put her down. Who knows the thoughts of a dog??
Cammie is a barking dog. Barks at every damn thing under the sun. It is a loud annoying bark too, so he was never my favorite dog, but didn't mean I didn't like him. Problem is Lisa likes him a lot, so that part of the situation has me worried. I didn't like seeing her face after we put Milo the cute rabbit down.
So that sucks. I missed speed work last night. I pretty much planned not going anyway after work. Good thing too, because I went to bed at 4:30 last night. :) I'll double up on my run to and from work again today.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Maybe a lesson there huh?? You can have a perfectly planned day, but still life can throw a curve ball at you huh?? Oh well, the Yankees still suck. :)
Love You All!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Lisa... my wife. Not sure if I know any other Lisa's anyway. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Not that she would ever see it. :) Just so you know though. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Rainy Days And Mondays...
Good Morning. Best intentions all for nothing. That is what a rainy day, and a Monday will get you no less. Someone should make a song having something to do with rainy days and Mondays. I bet it'd be a good one. :)
Not that I had much planned, but I wanted to cut the grass, and I was just biking to and from work. Lisa and I planned on cooking something on the grill too. Seemed like a nice day, and then the rain came. Lisa was still at the store at 1:10, and it was still raining, so I decided to drive home with her, and throw my bike in the car. I could tell on Lisa's face it was a nap day for her, and I had absolutely nothing I wanted to do. Nothing. So I wouldn't say I was down or anything, but just didn't want to do nothing. It was a crappy day, and there was nothing to do. That is what we did. :) Glam life club baby!!! :)
Plan today is double up on the run. Run to work, and run back from work. I haven't tried the double in a few years. I have been thinking about it though as a way to increase mileage, and I am a trial by error kinda guy, so we will try that. It is a way for me to get a 7 miler in, without running 7 consecutive miles. With a nice walking cool down for 8 hours or so on concrete. Might be something to it, and it will mean I do speed work on slightly fatigued legs, which should just make me stronger. In theory anyway. We'll see. I'll try and do the lawn and cookout tonight.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Thanks Tia, and Tammy S. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Not that I had much planned, but I wanted to cut the grass, and I was just biking to and from work. Lisa and I planned on cooking something on the grill too. Seemed like a nice day, and then the rain came. Lisa was still at the store at 1:10, and it was still raining, so I decided to drive home with her, and throw my bike in the car. I could tell on Lisa's face it was a nap day for her, and I had absolutely nothing I wanted to do. Nothing. So I wouldn't say I was down or anything, but just didn't want to do nothing. It was a crappy day, and there was nothing to do. That is what we did. :) Glam life club baby!!! :)
Plan today is double up on the run. Run to work, and run back from work. I haven't tried the double in a few years. I have been thinking about it though as a way to increase mileage, and I am a trial by error kinda guy, so we will try that. It is a way for me to get a 7 miler in, without running 7 consecutive miles. With a nice walking cool down for 8 hours or so on concrete. Might be something to it, and it will mean I do speed work on slightly fatigued legs, which should just make me stronger. In theory anyway. We'll see. I'll try and do the lawn and cookout tonight.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Thanks Tia, and Tammy S. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Monday, June 27, 2011
Good Morning all. :)
Hi, I hope we all are well. I am going to gets me a bit of coffee, cuz I likes it first thing in the morning. :)
Okay where to start where to start. Well most important thing is I feel bad for my friend Tia. She is one of the Kminek's and you know I think the world of them, and they have been through a lot etc... I found out yesterday one of her friends who died, did so at his own hands. Some people are like that. Where it is too much. Let's face it on any given day life can be boring at times. She said he always always commented on her motivational quotes she likes to use. I think life is many times hard. If you aren't the type to be open and honest than you keep a lot of stuff to yourself. Remember I used to always feel a bit under pressure to be the life of the party kinda guy, but still underneath that facade was sadness, that really no one knew me. I think I just realized now that maybe, and actually probably you know what??? I didn't know myself. Over my years and years and years, I have a pretty good idea of who I am. A good idea of who I am capable of being. I think the long and short of it is we have to come to terms with all our shortcomings. Realize we as people are really pretty weak. We can walk on the moon and split an atom, but there are still things inside us we'd like to hide from people. Really the only reason to hide stuff is afraid of being judged. There really is no reason to judge, cuz like I said we all are just as fucked up as you, and ya know. We'd be a good support staff, cuz we ain't perfect either.
I think this can be a long train. A lot of bloggers out there, and I surely ain't going to read them all, but like I said if you see someone open up, or a bit down help support. We all are weak in many ways, and we can try it going alone, but it would be a lot easier with help. We have enough examples of that.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I ran a little 3 miler, and probably low 9:00 pace. I didn't log it, and I threw a 1/4 mile tempo I believe in the middle. For the heck of it. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Giving extras for Tia xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo she needs 'em.
I am adding Tia to Steve R's thing too, and to xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo She like everyone else needs support, and I'd like to do my little share every day I blog. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Okay where to start where to start. Well most important thing is I feel bad for my friend Tia. She is one of the Kminek's and you know I think the world of them, and they have been through a lot etc... I found out yesterday one of her friends who died, did so at his own hands. Some people are like that. Where it is too much. Let's face it on any given day life can be boring at times. She said he always always commented on her motivational quotes she likes to use. I think life is many times hard. If you aren't the type to be open and honest than you keep a lot of stuff to yourself. Remember I used to always feel a bit under pressure to be the life of the party kinda guy, but still underneath that facade was sadness, that really no one knew me. I think I just realized now that maybe, and actually probably you know what??? I didn't know myself. Over my years and years and years, I have a pretty good idea of who I am. A good idea of who I am capable of being. I think the long and short of it is we have to come to terms with all our shortcomings. Realize we as people are really pretty weak. We can walk on the moon and split an atom, but there are still things inside us we'd like to hide from people. Really the only reason to hide stuff is afraid of being judged. There really is no reason to judge, cuz like I said we all are just as fucked up as you, and ya know. We'd be a good support staff, cuz we ain't perfect either.
I think this can be a long train. A lot of bloggers out there, and I surely ain't going to read them all, but like I said if you see someone open up, or a bit down help support. We all are weak in many ways, and we can try it going alone, but it would be a lot easier with help. We have enough examples of that.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I ran a little 3 miler, and probably low 9:00 pace. I didn't log it, and I threw a 1/4 mile tempo I believe in the middle. For the heck of it. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Giving extras for Tia xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo she needs 'em.
I am adding Tia to Steve R's thing too, and to xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo She like everyone else needs support, and I'd like to do my little share every day I blog. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Busy Day...
First off, I ran long yesterday. I haven't been getting many long runs in, but I felt confident. I ran to the school to meet up with the group. We have less people than normal, but a lot of the mainstays. Bob, Kevin and Matt were the fast people. Amanda and Christa went out with their group. Let it be known I used to be fast enough to hang with those two, but they have since passed me. I'll try and catch up again. I went out with Mike H. and Carol and Nancy W. went out together. Mike is training for Ironman Louisville. It will be his first, and ay ay ay!! How people want to do those is beyond me. I mean the day is going to be over 12 hours long. He had to run 17 miles that day too, #YIKES I am so not ready for a 17 miler.
Anyhoo after the first stop, John Emil caught up to us. You remember him the 67 year old who was really 66, and my guess now turned 65 just recently. :) He recovered from an aneurism a few years back, and had open heart surgery. He did the Disney trifecta this past winter, and is now training for a 50 mile race somewhere. He is running around 70 miles/week, and you know he has been known to get up to 90 miles, but I think he says he stays more healthy doing 70 or so. Even if I could stay healthy, I don't know if I would ever want to run 70 miles. I like running, and I like improving, but I don't think I like running that much. :)
Anyway John, and I let Mike go his way, and we took off back home at our turnaround. Like I said I was not sure how far I would go. I had mapped out close to 13 miles, but at our last stop, I decided to just run home instead of back to the school and back home. Playing it safe. My run was over 90 minutes, and it was 10.4 miles @ 9:15 pace. A good start. We'll see if I get my running volume up to run the G.R. marathon, or if I will focus on a 1/2 marathon, and build speed. We will see.
It felt good to be back to my normal'ish self again. :) I also rode my bike to work and back, and worked 4 hours. I had a couple drinks, some pizza, and an early bed, as I guess long days of running, working, and drinks make you tired. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. As I mention Doreen and Jules everyday, I also add Brandy *the girl* She seems like a crazy fun girl, and she reminds me of Boston Kim. So there. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
My legs feel pretty good, so going to get another run in. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Anyhoo after the first stop, John Emil caught up to us. You remember him the 67 year old who was really 66, and my guess now turned 65 just recently. :) He recovered from an aneurism a few years back, and had open heart surgery. He did the Disney trifecta this past winter, and is now training for a 50 mile race somewhere. He is running around 70 miles/week, and you know he has been known to get up to 90 miles, but I think he says he stays more healthy doing 70 or so. Even if I could stay healthy, I don't know if I would ever want to run 70 miles. I like running, and I like improving, but I don't think I like running that much. :)
Anyway John, and I let Mike go his way, and we took off back home at our turnaround. Like I said I was not sure how far I would go. I had mapped out close to 13 miles, but at our last stop, I decided to just run home instead of back to the school and back home. Playing it safe. My run was over 90 minutes, and it was 10.4 miles @ 9:15 pace. A good start. We'll see if I get my running volume up to run the G.R. marathon, or if I will focus on a 1/2 marathon, and build speed. We will see.
It felt good to be back to my normal'ish self again. :) I also rode my bike to work and back, and worked 4 hours. I had a couple drinks, some pizza, and an early bed, as I guess long days of running, working, and drinks make you tired. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. As I mention Doreen and Jules everyday, I also add Brandy *the girl* She seems like a crazy fun girl, and she reminds me of Boston Kim. So there. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
My legs feel pretty good, so going to get another run in. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Saturday, June 25, 2011
This Boring Old Blog...
Well here is what I have been thinking. I was thinking lately that my blog gets boring. Writing day after day after day, and people don't read every day. Oh well. Anyway I just read Nancy O'Toole's blog, and it was a good one as usual. Obviously some things on her mind, and maybe she is a bit annoyed at someone or something. Anyway due to age difference, and her parents thinking I am an internet creeper dude, my comments are not allowed on her site, but here is my comment:
I swear I think Nancy always gets the best comments. :) I know the last one was a doozy, about becoming smarter and brighter, and better, than how the world and society would lead you. Anyhoo, let me get some coffee.
Okay I am back. Now this blog gets weird folks, and I apologize for that. Do you think there may be two avenues?? One the weird unique beautiful flower path, and the weed path. The weed path leads to anger, and unhappiness, and a WOAH, I am 70 years old, I can barely walk, but I am still shopping for a freaking hammer for some damn reason, and some Free after rebate hand cleaner, and pumpkin seeds, and 2 for $3 air freshener at the local lumberyard?? :) The weirder people are the weed people, they just don't fucking know it. :)
I'll give you something about me. When I feel insecure, and like people don't like me, etc... Wanna know what I do?? I shrink back into a position of strength. My position of strength is Lisa. It is Olga, "I trust you... trust me" BTW I trust Nancy as much as Olga too. I also shrink back to my promise, and that really is as strong of a position that anyone can be in, although not all believe me on that. It is those things that make this blog weird though huh??
One other thing, on the Iz night??? I had absolutely no control of what I was doing. I get very very low if I have to take stuff like that... that kind of sadness. It is when we are honest with ourselves and our lives where I would not have to do that for people. It is when we continually lie to ourselves, where we will not deal with stuff. We have to look at it. This is for bloggers too, if someone opens up, and sheds layers the comment rate better be way above 10%. Support people support. Remember Kim Kim Kim's post a few ago. She was down down down, and all the big guns came to her support, and it helped her a lot.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Runnin with the group today!!!
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxooxxoxoxo
Extras for the O'Tooles xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Great little update. It seems you are a bit annoyed at someone. Hopefully not me. :) You are right though, we all are different. We are not our parents, and we are not the movie stars, heck the movie stars are actually different than who they play on TV.
I don't know if you ever watched Weeds, but the intro is kinda how society tries to lead people. Everyone get a house in the suburbs, all the kids being the same, houses are the same. People wear the same clothes, and etc... Underneath all the facade is sex, and drugs, and murder, etc... Real life stuff. Not the fake exterior people put on.
As Always great blog Nancy. :)
I don't know if you ever watched Weeds, but the intro is kinda how society tries to lead people. Everyone get a house in the suburbs, all the kids being the same, houses are the same. People wear the same clothes, and etc... Underneath all the facade is sex, and drugs, and murder, etc... Real life stuff. Not the fake exterior people put on.
As Always great blog Nancy. :)
I swear I think Nancy always gets the best comments. :) I know the last one was a doozy, about becoming smarter and brighter, and better, than how the world and society would lead you. Anyhoo, let me get some coffee.
Okay I am back. Now this blog gets weird folks, and I apologize for that. Do you think there may be two avenues?? One the weird unique beautiful flower path, and the weed path. The weed path leads to anger, and unhappiness, and a WOAH, I am 70 years old, I can barely walk, but I am still shopping for a freaking hammer for some damn reason, and some Free after rebate hand cleaner, and pumpkin seeds, and 2 for $3 air freshener at the local lumberyard?? :) The weirder people are the weed people, they just don't fucking know it. :)
I'll give you something about me. When I feel insecure, and like people don't like me, etc... Wanna know what I do?? I shrink back into a position of strength. My position of strength is Lisa. It is Olga, "I trust you... trust me" BTW I trust Nancy as much as Olga too. I also shrink back to my promise, and that really is as strong of a position that anyone can be in, although not all believe me on that. It is those things that make this blog weird though huh??
One other thing, on the Iz night??? I had absolutely no control of what I was doing. I get very very low if I have to take stuff like that... that kind of sadness. It is when we are honest with ourselves and our lives where I would not have to do that for people. It is when we continually lie to ourselves, where we will not deal with stuff. We have to look at it. This is for bloggers too, if someone opens up, and sheds layers the comment rate better be way above 10%. Support people support. Remember Kim Kim Kim's post a few ago. She was down down down, and all the big guns came to her support, and it helped her a lot.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Runnin with the group today!!!
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxooxxoxoxo
Extras for the O'Tooles xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Hitting The Track
First track workout for a while. I assumed we were running hills, so I was pretty happy. I figured I'd run to meet the group, and run to the hills, which are right by my house. Run the hills, and walk home, while everyone else had to run back to the H.S. :) Nope We were on the track. That means it would have been a 4 mile wu/cd. Never did make the run home though. Tell you about it later.
As you can imagine, I had no idea how fast I was... at all. I haven't fixed my watch. I should find it, I think it is in the kitchen somewhere. :) My plan??? No idea. I decided to follow Nancy Wooley who usually isn't too far from running 8:00 min. pace for 800's, usually a bit quicker. I only know a couple of mine, so I ended 7:30-7:40 pace for the 800's from what I know. After a while my active recovery was getting less and less active. As a matter of fact, I did not know how I was going to go on after 4. I walked the 200 there, and felt fine to finish. I have no idea the times, but assume it was close to the same. I felt pretty good the last 2. How that happens I don't know. :) I felt like death after the 4th.
Anyway there was a going away party for MWMFN. He has a PHD in Genetic Farming or something like that, so he is moving to Hawaii to turn sand, and volcano ash into Green Peppers.... or something like that. So Bob hijacked me to go. I planned on running home. I didn't bring my wallet or change of clothes or anything. He bought the beer, and Alan bought us a car bomb. :) Yayyyyyyy Thursday!!!! :)
Legs aren't trashed, and good to be doing speed again... I guess. Already worried for next Wednesday. :)
Plan on running 12 on Saturday. YIPPPPEEEEEEEE!!! :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I may need to find a place to hide today, so I can sleep a few hours on the clock. Don't tell anyone at work. :)))
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
As you can imagine, I had no idea how fast I was... at all. I haven't fixed my watch. I should find it, I think it is in the kitchen somewhere. :) My plan??? No idea. I decided to follow Nancy Wooley who usually isn't too far from running 8:00 min. pace for 800's, usually a bit quicker. I only know a couple of mine, so I ended 7:30-7:40 pace for the 800's from what I know. After a while my active recovery was getting less and less active. As a matter of fact, I did not know how I was going to go on after 4. I walked the 200 there, and felt fine to finish. I have no idea the times, but assume it was close to the same. I felt pretty good the last 2. How that happens I don't know. :) I felt like death after the 4th.
Anyway there was a going away party for MWMFN. He has a PHD in Genetic Farming or something like that, so he is moving to Hawaii to turn sand, and volcano ash into Green Peppers.... or something like that. So Bob hijacked me to go. I planned on running home. I didn't bring my wallet or change of clothes or anything. He bought the beer, and Alan bought us a car bomb. :) Yayyyyyyy Thursday!!!! :)
Legs aren't trashed, and good to be doing speed again... I guess. Already worried for next Wednesday. :)
Plan on running 12 on Saturday. YIPPPPEEEEEEEE!!! :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I may need to find a place to hide today, so I can sleep a few hours on the clock. Don't tell anyone at work. :)))
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Life Is Not A Spectator Sport!!
I don't think. You know what made me think of that?? There was no announcement of running group starting, and I was like hmmmm. What does that mean??/ No announcement for me??? None for anyone. No Running group??? So I woke up this morning, and there was an announcement. So I guess there will be running group.
Here are some things about me. At 10:00 am, I have all these ideas of things I want to do around the house when I get home. By 1:30-2:00 I don't want to do them. That is the time when I leave work. Yesterday I got home and plopped down on my bed, and just rested for a bit. Lisa and I picked up some stuff for the grill, so all I did yesterday was ride the bike to work.
Here is something about running group. I have been liking my work on Saturday checks. They have been pretty nice. :) So I need to find more hours. Either a long day during the week, or pick up Sunday. We don't open til 8:00 am on Sundays. Who starts work that late???? ;) So I need to pick up extra hours during the week. I need to be disciplined somewhere along the way. YIKES!!! :) Perhaps just an extra half hour every day, but even that is hard for me believe it or not. Oh well, life's little dilemmas huh??
You know what?? I think we are all bad communicators. Don't you think that adds to insecurities?? Say someone opens up, and this is for bloggers, it ain't easy. I mean it is for me every morning to do this, but sometimes during the day I worry... even still. I hate that. Sometimes I worry so much I get home, and I am crushed. So that turns into a plop down and look out the window day.
I sometimes wonder if I am the only one like that. Oh well... I don't really have much to write today, just thinking out loud so to speak. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I almost didn't blog today, because I sometimes wake up with a why bother mentality. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Here are some things about me. At 10:00 am, I have all these ideas of things I want to do around the house when I get home. By 1:30-2:00 I don't want to do them. That is the time when I leave work. Yesterday I got home and plopped down on my bed, and just rested for a bit. Lisa and I picked up some stuff for the grill, so all I did yesterday was ride the bike to work.
Here is something about running group. I have been liking my work on Saturday checks. They have been pretty nice. :) So I need to find more hours. Either a long day during the week, or pick up Sunday. We don't open til 8:00 am on Sundays. Who starts work that late???? ;) So I need to pick up extra hours during the week. I need to be disciplined somewhere along the way. YIKES!!! :) Perhaps just an extra half hour every day, but even that is hard for me believe it or not. Oh well, life's little dilemmas huh??
You know what?? I think we are all bad communicators. Don't you think that adds to insecurities?? Say someone opens up, and this is for bloggers, it ain't easy. I mean it is for me every morning to do this, but sometimes during the day I worry... even still. I hate that. Sometimes I worry so much I get home, and I am crushed. So that turns into a plop down and look out the window day.
I sometimes wonder if I am the only one like that. Oh well... I don't really have much to write today, just thinking out loud so to speak. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I almost didn't blog today, because I sometimes wake up with a why bother mentality. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
A Case Of The Mondays!!!
I had a case of the Mondays yesterday. I think things affect me more than I let on at times. Ya try and be strong, and take the punches, and what is your first defense??? Anger probably right?? As the day went on and on, I felt worse and worse. After a while I just had one goal. Don't do anything stupid. Not one of my strengths btw. I ended up not doing anything stupid though. After work, I just rode my bike leisurely home. It was one of those plop down on a chair, and look out the window kind of days. That is what I did. I know I had some blogs to read, but trust me I wasn't up for it. My mood eventually was better, and I felt better. Lisa and I made dinner. Sloppy Joes. :) I went to bed early, and that was that. (I did run to work)
My watch band is broke, so I haven't been timing my runs. I am kinda excited to start the group again. I saw Jerry yesterday, and told him about my leaky shower faucet. I have been having problems fixing it. I gave him the make... Delta, and that it was a temperature balanced thing, and sure enough he said those can be buggers. I'll have him do it. :) You need pipe wrenches. Don't have those. :)
Other than that all is coooooooooooolllllll. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. You want to know what makes me feel good??? When Olga said, "I trust you, trust me" :) We had our rocky patches too. She hurt my feelings once, and I didn't take it well. We have definitely since recovered. You wanna know who of the non-bloggers I trust too?? Tia, Tammy, and Leigh who is sorta a blogger... Leigh is... Just so ya know... to name a few. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
My watch band is broke, so I haven't been timing my runs. I am kinda excited to start the group again. I saw Jerry yesterday, and told him about my leaky shower faucet. I have been having problems fixing it. I gave him the make... Delta, and that it was a temperature balanced thing, and sure enough he said those can be buggers. I'll have him do it. :) You need pipe wrenches. Don't have those. :)
Other than that all is coooooooooooolllllll. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. You want to know what makes me feel good??? When Olga said, "I trust you, trust me" :) We had our rocky patches too. She hurt my feelings once, and I didn't take it well. We have definitely since recovered. You wanna know who of the non-bloggers I trust too?? Tia, Tammy, and Leigh who is sorta a blogger... Leigh is... Just so ya know... to name a few. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Monday, June 20, 2011
Run = Nap
Do I have an active mind??? I just thought about that. I am always thinking of a million different things at any one time. People mostly. It can be anyone. Here is something you should know about me. I do this blog thing. It many times can get weird, but I am always honest. I ain't lying to you, and I don't think I sugarcoat my life, or myself, or anything. Once I do this it is done. I may think about things all the time, but pretty much I am just as normal as anyone. I work. I bust balls, and my balls get busted. I joke around a lot, I swear a lot. I do my job to the best of my ability, which I have always done. I used to get angry when people didn't do the same... sometimes I still do, but not always.
I am different in many ways, as we all are. Who wakes up at this hour?? I know right. You hear people hitting the snooze, and I don't use an alarm. My watch has an alarm that goes off for like 5 seconds at 2:18 or something. Like today I was up before that. On Saturday I ran 3.5 miles, worked on my feet for 4 hours, and rode my bike for 63 miles. Only fuel was 3 hot dogs at 11:00'ish, and I had a chicken leg later on, after some beers. I had two Powerades too. I don't use gels on the bike, and I don't on runs either unless I am at the 2 hour mark. I never bonk... hardly. twice in my life??? 3 times??
I drink coffee almost every day. If I wake up late, I may not have time, and I NEVER get a headache if I don't drink coffee. Even if I drink alcohol I rarely rarely ever get a headache. I haven't drinken too much to get a hangover in quite a while, and I never puke.
I know nutrition is important, but it isn't something I am consumed with. I usually eat pretty well. Fruits, and veggies, and like I said if I lived in Hawaii I'd probably become a vegetarian, just cause I like fish that much. Anyway something about me.
Yesterday I just biked up to the trails and ran 5 loops. There was a lady... pretty attractive... I'd say my age, and she was doing the same, but going the opposite direction. She confirmed my suspicions the way I go is a bit harder. I swear when I hit that back half it is sooooooo hard. You get 1 loop, and then 2 loops, and at 3 your like really?? Then you just hope to get to 4, and just finish with 5. It is a 45 minute run, that I felt the need to take a 2 hour nap after, although I slept til 6:00 am. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. runnin to work today before it gets a gazillion degrees outside. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya"All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
oh yeah, I added a new blogger. I think she thinks I am a creeper of some sort, but I ain't. I could care less, she seems honest, and as far as I know Nancy O Toole thinks I am a creeper, and every day I say thanks for reading, and that is for her. So there. :) I added her, because she comments a lot. I complimented her on it. I said if someone spilled their guts I felt she would be one to step in with support with a comment. I respect that. What she thinks of me I could care less, as long as she is honest. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I am different in many ways, as we all are. Who wakes up at this hour?? I know right. You hear people hitting the snooze, and I don't use an alarm. My watch has an alarm that goes off for like 5 seconds at 2:18 or something. Like today I was up before that. On Saturday I ran 3.5 miles, worked on my feet for 4 hours, and rode my bike for 63 miles. Only fuel was 3 hot dogs at 11:00'ish, and I had a chicken leg later on, after some beers. I had two Powerades too. I don't use gels on the bike, and I don't on runs either unless I am at the 2 hour mark. I never bonk... hardly. twice in my life??? 3 times??
I drink coffee almost every day. If I wake up late, I may not have time, and I NEVER get a headache if I don't drink coffee. Even if I drink alcohol I rarely rarely ever get a headache. I haven't drinken too much to get a hangover in quite a while, and I never puke.
I know nutrition is important, but it isn't something I am consumed with. I usually eat pretty well. Fruits, and veggies, and like I said if I lived in Hawaii I'd probably become a vegetarian, just cause I like fish that much. Anyway something about me.
Yesterday I just biked up to the trails and ran 5 loops. There was a lady... pretty attractive... I'd say my age, and she was doing the same, but going the opposite direction. She confirmed my suspicions the way I go is a bit harder. I swear when I hit that back half it is sooooooo hard. You get 1 loop, and then 2 loops, and at 3 your like really?? Then you just hope to get to 4, and just finish with 5. It is a 45 minute run, that I felt the need to take a 2 hour nap after, although I slept til 6:00 am. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. runnin to work today before it gets a gazillion degrees outside. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya"All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
oh yeah, I added a new blogger. I think she thinks I am a creeper of some sort, but I ain't. I could care less, she seems honest, and as far as I know Nancy O Toole thinks I am a creeper, and every day I say thanks for reading, and that is for her. So there. :) I added her, because she comments a lot. I complimented her on it. I said if someone spilled their guts I felt she would be one to step in with support with a comment. I respect that. What she thinks of me I could care less, as long as she is honest. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Sunday, June 19, 2011
The Sun Shined On Gotham City!!!
Yes a normal day of me working hard... is it work?? I swear I don't know. I wake up early. Always do, well today I got up at 6:00 am. Do my blog thing, I like to do. Of course I had to deal with a little drama that seems to come my way. No biggie though. Shit happens. I run to work. Fun. I work for 4 hours, yes fun too. Remarkably I feel great. It is warm outside so I plan on a long bike ride. I didn't know how long I would go, but I knew I'd go long. It ended up being 63 miles. I added 2-9 mile loops from mile 45'ish. Only thing I had to do was keep myself disciplined to do the 2nd final loop. I did, even though old fat people were passing me. :)
Change of plan too. I guess I will be doing the running group. Alan says we start on Wednesday. I'll plan on training for a full, and see where it goes. Maybe I just do a half, but we'll see. I have been wanting to try my luck at a full out half, instead of a marathon pace 10 miles, then kick. We shall see. I don't think it'd be a big deal for me to jump up to 12 miles on a long run. Confident or naive??? I am not sure.
Anyway stopped at New Holland. Met up with Cory, and had a few beers, and filled up my growler. Katy bought me a beer too. :) My kind of girl. :) I then went to Seth's house. I may not of normally stopped, just cause I was tired, but it was the 1 year anniversary of the death of their Dad, so I wanted to def stop by. We played ladder toss. I didn't swear too much, and Arceli spell??? and I lost our first game, and then we won the rest I think. She was throwing awesome. :) I had my moments, and my swear words. :)
The day of their Dad's funeral i took a picture of Seth, Levi, and Charity. I keep it on my phone all the time. I always delete the other stuff. I think I'll add. Give me a sec.
Holy crap is that taking forever.
They are 3 of the nicest people I know. :)
Anyway a nice boring, "normal" entry. Yayyyyyyyy. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Gonna hit the trails today. I love training and working hard. Well is it really work if you like it? :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for all those whose fathers have passed. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for the rest of you tooooooooooooooo :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Change of plan too. I guess I will be doing the running group. Alan says we start on Wednesday. I'll plan on training for a full, and see where it goes. Maybe I just do a half, but we'll see. I have been wanting to try my luck at a full out half, instead of a marathon pace 10 miles, then kick. We shall see. I don't think it'd be a big deal for me to jump up to 12 miles on a long run. Confident or naive??? I am not sure.
Anyway stopped at New Holland. Met up with Cory, and had a few beers, and filled up my growler. Katy bought me a beer too. :) My kind of girl. :) I then went to Seth's house. I may not of normally stopped, just cause I was tired, but it was the 1 year anniversary of the death of their Dad, so I wanted to def stop by. We played ladder toss. I didn't swear too much, and Arceli spell??? and I lost our first game, and then we won the rest I think. She was throwing awesome. :) I had my moments, and my swear words. :)
The day of their Dad's funeral i took a picture of Seth, Levi, and Charity. I keep it on my phone all the time. I always delete the other stuff. I think I'll add. Give me a sec.
Holy crap is that taking forever.
![]() | |
Levi, Charity, and Seth |
Anyway a nice boring, "normal" entry. Yayyyyyyyy. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Gonna hit the trails today. I love training and working hard. Well is it really work if you like it? :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for all those whose fathers have passed. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for the rest of you tooooooooooooooo :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Time For Coffee...
Well that was strange.
Anyway life does have pitfalls huh?? No way around it. I know my brother Jim was looking for the stress free life. Never found it, but pretended always he did. Life is never really stress free. You are going to make mistakes. Some just did last night, and that was not too bright. I don't know where that will end.
I have been through some stuff in my life, that you don't know. I have shared moments, and even sometimes days with people in my thoughts. Sad thoughts and sad days. So you who I have never shared moments, or thoughts or sadness in really, live on a thin line. I am willing to help, but you have to trust me. Do they know??? I think perhaps... somehow. Or maybe they would like not to like me, but still do, and maybe they would like to stay away, but cannot. Not sure.
I wake up early every morning to do this thing. Why, I know not. I am as honest as I can be on this thing, and sometimes I am just taken over, and weird stuff comes out. Some of that is good, and some of it is bad, depending... The bad always always is negated eventually by the good. Bad stuff can always be overcome with the good. I have things in my heart that are really negative. That I try not to share with you.
When all is said and done life is not a game. You are going to die. People are killing themselves as they always have. Mostly just for the simple excuse my country and my people are better than you. You have something I want, or whatever the reasons. We let the executioner's out quickly, and we never tried to walk in their shoes. Do we as a country look at our own sins?? Nah, although it is those that other countries are mad at us for. Every country believes God is on their side, and the one he sent was a man without a job, without a country, without a 401 K. Never did a tri, and he asked others to drop everything and follow. Who does that?? Drops their whole life to follow???
It will be interesting to see how this ends... but like I said this blog is about you. Not me.
Without trust you got nothing. You should have trusted.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I haven't taken anyone off my list, but I would have added. Too bad. I try to comment a lot, but on posts that are all tri, and no life it is hard. I know not all are tri people, but for some reason or another those pop up a lot. Oh well...
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
No extras today, but like I said you have to trust. The quid pro quo. I am not some creeper at all. If you don't trust then at least have the courage to tell me to take you off my list. That would not be a biggie for me at all. It is harder for me to add than take off, and a lot know that real well.
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Anyway life does have pitfalls huh?? No way around it. I know my brother Jim was looking for the stress free life. Never found it, but pretended always he did. Life is never really stress free. You are going to make mistakes. Some just did last night, and that was not too bright. I don't know where that will end.
I have been through some stuff in my life, that you don't know. I have shared moments, and even sometimes days with people in my thoughts. Sad thoughts and sad days. So you who I have never shared moments, or thoughts or sadness in really, live on a thin line. I am willing to help, but you have to trust me. Do they know??? I think perhaps... somehow. Or maybe they would like not to like me, but still do, and maybe they would like to stay away, but cannot. Not sure.
I wake up early every morning to do this thing. Why, I know not. I am as honest as I can be on this thing, and sometimes I am just taken over, and weird stuff comes out. Some of that is good, and some of it is bad, depending... The bad always always is negated eventually by the good. Bad stuff can always be overcome with the good. I have things in my heart that are really negative. That I try not to share with you.
When all is said and done life is not a game. You are going to die. People are killing themselves as they always have. Mostly just for the simple excuse my country and my people are better than you. You have something I want, or whatever the reasons. We let the executioner's out quickly, and we never tried to walk in their shoes. Do we as a country look at our own sins?? Nah, although it is those that other countries are mad at us for. Every country believes God is on their side, and the one he sent was a man without a job, without a country, without a 401 K. Never did a tri, and he asked others to drop everything and follow. Who does that?? Drops their whole life to follow???
It will be interesting to see how this ends... but like I said this blog is about you. Not me.
Without trust you got nothing. You should have trusted.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I haven't taken anyone off my list, but I would have added. Too bad. I try to comment a lot, but on posts that are all tri, and no life it is hard. I know not all are tri people, but for some reason or another those pop up a lot. Oh well...
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
No extras today, but like I said you have to trust. The quid pro quo. I am not some creeper at all. If you don't trust then at least have the courage to tell me to take you off my list. That would not be a biggie for me at all. It is harder for me to add than take off, and a lot know that real well.
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Friday, June 17, 2011
Sometimes this thing gets weird. I forget about that. It can get a whole lot weirder, but I keep a lot of stuff to myself. Do you notice the one thing, that I think is important though?? We are different than what people see. What is inside us is more than just what we do day to day. Work, eat, sleep, hobby, drink... whatever, we all share one thing in common. We have other thoughts. Thoughts about our life, etc... What are those??
I asked a lot of you before last Thanksgiving to make a turn. You were unwilling. That was part of the plan. When I made my turn, I was down. My eyes saw a lot of stuff they didn't like. I thought what could I do to make a good life?? What would make me the best person. Peace Corp.?? Law?? Then in my heart was put, if there is some reason I am here, let me do that instead. ZOIKS!!! Didn't know it would be like how it was. Didn't know it would be as hard as it was. Remember I hit my breaking point a couple summer's ago?? I said, I am done. I lose, I cannot hack it, and I do not trust you, as a matter of fact I cursed. That night he took my heart. A vision. I still suffered after that. Many things I suffered that summer. Many nights of tears. I P.R.'d a marathon, and didn't blog about it. I always did pre, and post race blogs. My next race was the Thanksgiving 5K course shortened probably sub: 22:00 5K. I had a long blog post about the 5K, with a p.s. saying 3:47 marathon I was happy about. That Thanksgiving was a hard one too. That Sophie B. Hawkins song broke me. I listened to it a million times, each time with tears. I don't even remember why.
I am in complete trust now, because of my end of the Journey, and the start of the Wait. I knew almost right away. Then I ran my race, and WOAH!!! I won, but the Wait wasn't over. Do you know where I thought I was going last Thanksgiving??? Yep, I was scared the night before, but in the morning I wasn't. I was like o.k. No biggie.
Here is the point he has me at. I am mostly happy, mostly upbeat, one notch lower is complete despair. He always brings me back up though. Always. Whenever I get down to the despair point, I always get back up. With help of course.
Anway I guess that is about it.
This blog is really all about you folks anyway...
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I ran to work yesterday, not sure of the time, cause I had to walk a couple times to keep the poop in. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo
Any more extras..... nah. You wanna know who one of my new favs is?? Kelly Dunleavy. She is a cool chick.
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I asked a lot of you before last Thanksgiving to make a turn. You were unwilling. That was part of the plan. When I made my turn, I was down. My eyes saw a lot of stuff they didn't like. I thought what could I do to make a good life?? What would make me the best person. Peace Corp.?? Law?? Then in my heart was put, if there is some reason I am here, let me do that instead. ZOIKS!!! Didn't know it would be like how it was. Didn't know it would be as hard as it was. Remember I hit my breaking point a couple summer's ago?? I said, I am done. I lose, I cannot hack it, and I do not trust you, as a matter of fact I cursed. That night he took my heart. A vision. I still suffered after that. Many things I suffered that summer. Many nights of tears. I P.R.'d a marathon, and didn't blog about it. I always did pre, and post race blogs. My next race was the Thanksgiving 5K course shortened probably sub: 22:00 5K. I had a long blog post about the 5K, with a p.s. saying 3:47 marathon I was happy about. That Thanksgiving was a hard one too. That Sophie B. Hawkins song broke me. I listened to it a million times, each time with tears. I don't even remember why.
I am in complete trust now, because of my end of the Journey, and the start of the Wait. I knew almost right away. Then I ran my race, and WOAH!!! I won, but the Wait wasn't over. Do you know where I thought I was going last Thanksgiving??? Yep, I was scared the night before, but in the morning I wasn't. I was like o.k. No biggie.
Here is the point he has me at. I am mostly happy, mostly upbeat, one notch lower is complete despair. He always brings me back up though. Always. Whenever I get down to the despair point, I always get back up. With help of course.
Anway I guess that is about it.
This blog is really all about you folks anyway...
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I ran to work yesterday, not sure of the time, cause I had to walk a couple times to keep the poop in. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxo
Any more extras..... nah. You wanna know who one of my new favs is?? Kelly Dunleavy. She is a cool chick.
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Out My Window...
Well let's get the workout stuff out first. 3.5 mile run to work @ 32:30 minutes. Whatever that is. I biked home, and did 5 sets of 10 push ups, and 3 sets of 5 pull ups. It was raining out, so not much to do outside. So I listened to some music, and had some beers, and looked out my window. Know what I saw??? I saw a lot of green, and I saw a lot of plants, and I saw a healthy rain, that is going to make all these things grow more and more and more.
As I woke up this morning I looked out the window of my mind, and you know what I saw??? I saw a big light. The brightest light, and it was because any direction I take, and any path I go it will be good. I am not following anyone's path, I am making my own. I am not walking with any kind of sight as to where it might lead, but I am in complete trust it will end up good. I guess, ya can say I have overcome... with help. The truth has set me free. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. It is a Brave New World, and I may reinvent myself again, or just be an avid exerciser, husband, fun haver, chiller, blogger, worker, eater, drinker, be merry. No 5 year plan for this guy, just a day by day, and my heart is mostly happy. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Babs 5665 Mastectomy is today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
As I woke up this morning I looked out the window of my mind, and you know what I saw??? I saw a big light. The brightest light, and it was because any direction I take, and any path I go it will be good. I am not following anyone's path, I am making my own. I am not walking with any kind of sight as to where it might lead, but I am in complete trust it will end up good. I guess, ya can say I have overcome... with help. The truth has set me free. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. It is a Brave New World, and I may reinvent myself again, or just be an avid exerciser, husband, fun haver, chiller, blogger, worker, eater, drinker, be merry. No 5 year plan for this guy, just a day by day, and my heart is mostly happy. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Babs 5665 Mastectomy is today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Change Of Direction
One thing about my brother Jim he was most proud of was his ICBL league. That sucker has been around for 1/4 of a century. The get together was this last weekend. I am sure they had a ball. The last year I went they did it in Bloomington/Normal instead of Springfield, Illinois. It is where they did it this year too. Why do I say this?? His Championships in this league were the one thing he was most proud of. This silly little baseball game, although it takes analysis of the Billy Beane type to be good at it. Means you look, and think numbers... hmmmm well you can think and talk about them forever. Not for everyone. Anyway, what I wanted to say is through the draft (wait year after year to build up a strong team) I created a winner. Meaning it was patience I used to build a team to win it. The team did win it, but I walked away.
There is nothing I cannot walk away from. I am not entangled in this world at the slightest. That should be a lesson to you all, fwiw. That being said I don't think I could walk away from Jenny H. Unless she really fucks up somehow, but I doubt it. Kelly Dunleavy is pretty high on the list too. Why???? because they are not afraid to show they are not all that. When we show we are not all that, you know what??? We really become all that. If you want to hide your bad shit have at it. Makes you pretty uninteresting though really. Our less than perfect shit is the best. That shit makes us funny. We can relate.
People will judge you, but if you come out of hiding I'd stand by your side. Fuck the others. You come out it shows your strength. The judgers are weak, because they want to pretend they are better than you, to offset their own insecurities. Everyone has sadness in them. It is what life is about. There are Howard Zinn days, and there are Joseph Heller days. A lot of shitty stuff out there, but there is some good too. People are killing people all over the world for some reason or another. Life has a lot of shit in it. Don't deny it, and try not to live in a shell. Have to look at it. It isn't easy, and it isn't pretty, but you think you'd be given too much to look at??? You think the one with the best eyes would lead you in a bad way??
My change of direction is no running group for me this summer. I have a body, and a metabolism that does good with strength. I am going to do more push ups, and pull ups, and run and bike less miles, although I will do something every day. No race on the horizon, just get in shape. Lisa says she misses my help in the yard. I wanna help her more with that, and add more flowers, and do that stuff. less work out time, and more yard time, although, I can still do more. Less miles, but more stuff. Less is more in this person's life. I can walk away from anything remember. I am not entangled in anything, but like I said. I would not walk away from Jen Harrison. :) or Olga, or Jeff Stark. Or the xxxxxx people. :) or Jessica. I love the ones who are strong in honesty, not strong in racing. Charisa I kinda just like a lot for some reason. Why I know not. Who can control their own heart right?? If we could we would always make it happy 100% of the time right, and we would always do the right stuff, etc... Just the way it is.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I forget how much jalapeno's hurt. "FIRE IN THE HOLE" :) ewwwwww.
Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo
Extras for Babs5665 Having a masectomy today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras for Ceri who is with her every step of the way. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
There is nothing I cannot walk away from. I am not entangled in this world at the slightest. That should be a lesson to you all, fwiw. That being said I don't think I could walk away from Jenny H. Unless she really fucks up somehow, but I doubt it. Kelly Dunleavy is pretty high on the list too. Why???? because they are not afraid to show they are not all that. When we show we are not all that, you know what??? We really become all that. If you want to hide your bad shit have at it. Makes you pretty uninteresting though really. Our less than perfect shit is the best. That shit makes us funny. We can relate.
People will judge you, but if you come out of hiding I'd stand by your side. Fuck the others. You come out it shows your strength. The judgers are weak, because they want to pretend they are better than you, to offset their own insecurities. Everyone has sadness in them. It is what life is about. There are Howard Zinn days, and there are Joseph Heller days. A lot of shitty stuff out there, but there is some good too. People are killing people all over the world for some reason or another. Life has a lot of shit in it. Don't deny it, and try not to live in a shell. Have to look at it. It isn't easy, and it isn't pretty, but you think you'd be given too much to look at??? You think the one with the best eyes would lead you in a bad way??
My change of direction is no running group for me this summer. I have a body, and a metabolism that does good with strength. I am going to do more push ups, and pull ups, and run and bike less miles, although I will do something every day. No race on the horizon, just get in shape. Lisa says she misses my help in the yard. I wanna help her more with that, and add more flowers, and do that stuff. less work out time, and more yard time, although, I can still do more. Less miles, but more stuff. Less is more in this person's life. I can walk away from anything remember. I am not entangled in anything, but like I said. I would not walk away from Jen Harrison. :) or Olga, or Jeff Stark. Or the xxxxxx people. :) or Jessica. I love the ones who are strong in honesty, not strong in racing. Charisa I kinda just like a lot for some reason. Why I know not. Who can control their own heart right?? If we could we would always make it happy 100% of the time right, and we would always do the right stuff, etc... Just the way it is.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I forget how much jalapeno's hurt. "FIRE IN THE HOLE" :) ewwwwww.
Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxo
Extras for Babs5665 Having a masectomy today. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras for Ceri who is with her every step of the way. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Monday, June 13, 2011
I have no idea what the heck is going on, but something weird. You don't want to know all of my secrets... trust me. I know some things I would really just like to keep to myself if possible. I am sorry I forget I forget I forget. This blog is weird. I have been doing this a long time remember, and sometimes I forget how weird this is. Then I remember. A day hanging out at Beau's, and Jacob stopped by. Blah blah blah we are talking, and I say hey do you know my brother died??? He goes how would I know, I don't read your blog every day or something to that effect. I was like just because my blog is weird, you can't tell me your sorry about my brother??? He apologized, etc... I forget this shit. I write every day, and trust me I forget.
Some things you don't want to know, are what is inside me. You don't want to know trust me. I know how this ends kinda. Why it has to be like this I don't know, but this is the story. Why was there an ark?? Why was there a cross. Want to know where I have to go??? I have to take up the cross and follow where the best went for 3 days. Yep, remember afterwards??? An earthquake?? Remember Proverbs when a slave becomes king the Earth cannot stand, or something. In Heimleblog on a bike ride home, I once caught a glimpse of the power of a slave becoming king. That there is one who is the king of kings suggest other kings right??? An honor to be bestowed on one. I guess I am giving all my secrets away huh?? Want to know what I was told after the hospital when I was empty, and going through a physical depression?? He told me not to watch t.v. Weird huh?? Wanna know why?? Because I had to overcome something and learn something. The one unforgivable sin. I said if I am doomed to go to hell, please let me accept it as something I deserve. Yes I am doomed to go to hell... for a while. With no salvation in sight. You can learn a lot of stuff from the red letters, and that was my journey, and that is my journey. Remember it is spiritual though. So a sword isn't a sword so to speak. I think you know that.
Weird I have to do this huh?? Weird I have to live with the best, and the worst in me huh?? The best overcomes though. That is my final suffering I talked about a long time ago. A long time ago. I knew this had to be done during my summer of discontent. Where I was judged every second of every day for the summer. Every second. I had maybe one good minute that whole summer. I don't know what the weird shit going on is, but it isn't good. You cannot hide stuff, and I think that is what some of you are doing. I know a lot of bad shit, I am pretty sure you don't want to know. Trust me it will go well for those on my right hand side. Even if I get mad. Because we will make this shit work. When weird things like whatever has been happening this weekend happens, then it affects my training, because I am wrecked internally.
For the record my anger at my wife, was really anger toward my neighbor being a dick again. I misdiagnosed it, so I apologized to Lisa yesterday. No biggie. We are cool.
All is possible, which makes what we can do pretty insignificant. mustard seed, and move mountains. We are not there yet though, but we are getting there.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. ya'All are still cool. Stay strong. We got this!!! :) Some might not though, so strong is honest. The one thing with effort we can control. Cory Schroeder I do not give enough credit, but I think he is one of the most honest people. Sometimes being honest means we have to be a dick. Trust me honesty is better than fake nice. Honesty he can work with, fake nice is ick. :) Beverley Smith too, out of nowhere she comes for support. Out of nowhere. A strong woman.
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxo
Wanna know who I want to give extras to today??? Maggs of SSB. I think she needs them. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
slave is really about being enslaved to sin. fyi
Some things you don't want to know, are what is inside me. You don't want to know trust me. I know how this ends kinda. Why it has to be like this I don't know, but this is the story. Why was there an ark?? Why was there a cross. Want to know where I have to go??? I have to take up the cross and follow where the best went for 3 days. Yep, remember afterwards??? An earthquake?? Remember Proverbs when a slave becomes king the Earth cannot stand, or something. In Heimleblog on a bike ride home, I once caught a glimpse of the power of a slave becoming king. That there is one who is the king of kings suggest other kings right??? An honor to be bestowed on one. I guess I am giving all my secrets away huh?? Want to know what I was told after the hospital when I was empty, and going through a physical depression?? He told me not to watch t.v. Weird huh?? Wanna know why?? Because I had to overcome something and learn something. The one unforgivable sin. I said if I am doomed to go to hell, please let me accept it as something I deserve. Yes I am doomed to go to hell... for a while. With no salvation in sight. You can learn a lot of stuff from the red letters, and that was my journey, and that is my journey. Remember it is spiritual though. So a sword isn't a sword so to speak. I think you know that.
Weird I have to do this huh?? Weird I have to live with the best, and the worst in me huh?? The best overcomes though. That is my final suffering I talked about a long time ago. A long time ago. I knew this had to be done during my summer of discontent. Where I was judged every second of every day for the summer. Every second. I had maybe one good minute that whole summer. I don't know what the weird shit going on is, but it isn't good. You cannot hide stuff, and I think that is what some of you are doing. I know a lot of bad shit, I am pretty sure you don't want to know. Trust me it will go well for those on my right hand side. Even if I get mad. Because we will make this shit work. When weird things like whatever has been happening this weekend happens, then it affects my training, because I am wrecked internally.
For the record my anger at my wife, was really anger toward my neighbor being a dick again. I misdiagnosed it, so I apologized to Lisa yesterday. No biggie. We are cool.
All is possible, which makes what we can do pretty insignificant. mustard seed, and move mountains. We are not there yet though, but we are getting there.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. ya'All are still cool. Stay strong. We got this!!! :) Some might not though, so strong is honest. The one thing with effort we can control. Cory Schroeder I do not give enough credit, but I think he is one of the most honest people. Sometimes being honest means we have to be a dick. Trust me honesty is better than fake nice. Honesty he can work with, fake nice is ick. :) Beverley Smith too, out of nowhere she comes for support. Out of nowhere. A strong woman.
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxooxo
Wanna know who I want to give extras to today??? Maggs of SSB. I think she needs them. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
slave is really about being enslaved to sin. fyi
Sunday, June 12, 2011
I Hate It When Life Gets Boring
Yep, that is how I feel. Bored bored bored. I am irritated, and bored I think. A great combination. So there is that, which is always very nice. I got irritated with Lisa last night when I threw a snotty napkin out of the car. She jumped on me for littering. I was like, ummmm it is bio-degradable. I never litter, but I thought on this one occasion big deal. I jumped on her, well you are the one who keeps trying to recycle Styrofoam, which doesn't recycle. Then I got all negative, about how stupid everything is. Our jobs, and everything. :)
At our job we sell thousands and thousands of dollars of chemicals to kill insects, weeds, grass, brush, etc... It all gets leached into Lake Michigan I am sure. I think that is what I get paid to keep track of. I sometimes am shocked... absolutely shocked what people spend their money on. Completely ridiculous.
Now let's get to some crazy stuff shall we?? What was yesterday's post about?? I have no idea what the heck I was writing. Have some of you been judging me?? Why the fuck are you pointing the fucking mirror at me you fucking assholes. You know that makes me suffer more you sanctimonious assholes. Have I not been through enough you who think you are all that. FUCK YOU!!! I don't even know who did it, or who was doing it, but get off your high fucking horse.
It ain't no big deal to me, but you are the ones who don't read this blog. It isn't hard to judge me. I give you all my shit. I show you my less than perfect side a lot. Big deal. I judged myself. You haven't, because some of you are just too busy judging others. WRONG WAY!!!
I have given a lot of my secrets away already with little or no support. I'd support you when all others would turn their backs. They will probably turn their backs too, because that is what my so called friends, and family did to me, but I survived with help. There is one strong enough to handle our burdens, and it sure ain't your family and friends. Trust me, you cannot count on them for shit. At least in my case.
So toughen up you fucking pussies. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I hope Jen Harrison does good today. I am not a real fan of triathlon by any means, but she is my favorite triathlete. :) Oh, and running group starts this week. yayyyyyyyyyy. :)
Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
No extras today really. Isn't that weird I read all these triathlete blogs, and I am not a fan of triathlon?? Yeah I think so too. Whatevs though...
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
At our job we sell thousands and thousands of dollars of chemicals to kill insects, weeds, grass, brush, etc... It all gets leached into Lake Michigan I am sure. I think that is what I get paid to keep track of. I sometimes am shocked... absolutely shocked what people spend their money on. Completely ridiculous.
Now let's get to some crazy stuff shall we?? What was yesterday's post about?? I have no idea what the heck I was writing. Have some of you been judging me?? Why the fuck are you pointing the fucking mirror at me you fucking assholes. You know that makes me suffer more you sanctimonious assholes. Have I not been through enough you who think you are all that. FUCK YOU!!! I don't even know who did it, or who was doing it, but get off your high fucking horse.
It ain't no big deal to me, but you are the ones who don't read this blog. It isn't hard to judge me. I give you all my shit. I show you my less than perfect side a lot. Big deal. I judged myself. You haven't, because some of you are just too busy judging others. WRONG WAY!!!
I have given a lot of my secrets away already with little or no support. I'd support you when all others would turn their backs. They will probably turn their backs too, because that is what my so called friends, and family did to me, but I survived with help. There is one strong enough to handle our burdens, and it sure ain't your family and friends. Trust me, you cannot count on them for shit. At least in my case.
So toughen up you fucking pussies. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I hope Jen Harrison does good today. I am not a real fan of triathlon by any means, but she is my favorite triathlete. :) Oh, and running group starts this week. yayyyyyyyyyy. :)
Love you all xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
No extras today really. Isn't that weird I read all these triathlete blogs, and I am not a fan of triathlon?? Yeah I think so too. Whatevs though...
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Saturday, June 11, 2011
So Strange!!
I was almost not going to blog today, but I guess I will. Want me to give you a straight guys perspective?? I am straight, because that is how I was born. Can you imagine being born gay, and having to overcome the judgement of society to be who you are??? You know my BIL it was either a kill himself or come out. Two of his closest straight friends. Greg Ellis and I were like who cares?? I suspected as much kinda when a girl threw herself at him at our wedding, and he drove home. I mean, he had no girlfriend, he was plowed, etc..
I could care less what people do in their bedroom. Why any guy would text a picture of his private parts is beyond me. Anyway life is made up of that type of shit. Us straight guys are always always checking out hot girls. We do it. They know it, we know it, and it is how we are. We are visual. We are creeps in many ways. I have said that before, you are nuts if you don't think men do it. That being said, I rarely look at blog pictures too much. For some reason. Facebook either, it is probably one of the reasons I don't do too many pictures. I like Charisa's artsy pictures, and stuff though. They are usually neat.
I think in our life if we look at ourself, we can get a true picture. We may see things in ourselves we don't like in others. We would judge the others on these things, but it is hard to judge ourselves. We need to judge ourselves, instead of others, because guess what??? Everyone else is just as fucked up as you. :) LOL
I thought of something before, and it was if I could put all my effort into something I knew was right, and it was good, I would do it. You know I knew I wasn't going to practice jumping with the hopes of jumping over the Sears Tower. Whatever the name of it is now.
Here is where we are. It is soooooo hard to show our dark side. Our less than perfect side, but this shit is funny. We all are pretty pathetic, but some of us are better at it than others. :)
Here is something you can be thankful for. You don't feel the urge to steal, you don't kill people, you don't rob people. You don't have the urge to do weird things with farm animals. .... Well most of you anyway. :) You are still not perfect, and you ain't got this.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Jen Harrison gets mentioned every day with the smiles, and with the xoxo. :) I wuv her that is why. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Doreen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Doreen and Jules. Doreen needs them more though. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Boston Kim needs them too. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox
So does Maggs of SSB. She tri's for Bourbon, which is a good enough reason to tri for me. Her "writing" voice is sad though. :( xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
For the rest of you toooooooooooooooo xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
One other thing, I really don't read minds, so if you want something you can just tell me. :)
Oh check out Kelly Dunleavy's site. She is pretty cool. She was the smart talented girl, who lacked confidence. It surprised me, like I let her know, I thought someone like her would have all the confidence in the world. Strange huh?? she is very honest, and she puts the word fuck on her blog. I think I am in love. :) LOL j/k.
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I could care less what people do in their bedroom. Why any guy would text a picture of his private parts is beyond me. Anyway life is made up of that type of shit. Us straight guys are always always checking out hot girls. We do it. They know it, we know it, and it is how we are. We are visual. We are creeps in many ways. I have said that before, you are nuts if you don't think men do it. That being said, I rarely look at blog pictures too much. For some reason. Facebook either, it is probably one of the reasons I don't do too many pictures. I like Charisa's artsy pictures, and stuff though. They are usually neat.
I think in our life if we look at ourself, we can get a true picture. We may see things in ourselves we don't like in others. We would judge the others on these things, but it is hard to judge ourselves. We need to judge ourselves, instead of others, because guess what??? Everyone else is just as fucked up as you. :) LOL
I thought of something before, and it was if I could put all my effort into something I knew was right, and it was good, I would do it. You know I knew I wasn't going to practice jumping with the hopes of jumping over the Sears Tower. Whatever the name of it is now.
Here is where we are. It is soooooo hard to show our dark side. Our less than perfect side, but this shit is funny. We all are pretty pathetic, but some of us are better at it than others. :)
Here is something you can be thankful for. You don't feel the urge to steal, you don't kill people, you don't rob people. You don't have the urge to do weird things with farm animals. .... Well most of you anyway. :) You are still not perfect, and you ain't got this.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Jen Harrison gets mentioned every day with the smiles, and with the xoxo. :) I wuv her that is why. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Doreen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Doreen and Jules. Doreen needs them more though. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Boston Kim needs them too. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoox
So does Maggs of SSB. She tri's for Bourbon, which is a good enough reason to tri for me. Her "writing" voice is sad though. :( xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
For the rest of you toooooooooooooooo xoxoxooxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
One other thing, I really don't read minds, so if you want something you can just tell me. :)
Oh check out Kelly Dunleavy's site. She is pretty cool. She was the smart talented girl, who lacked confidence. It surprised me, like I let her know, I thought someone like her would have all the confidence in the world. Strange huh?? she is very honest, and she puts the word fuck on her blog. I think I am in love. :) LOL j/k.
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Thursday, June 9, 2011
A Promise Is A Promise
Happy Birthday to Gina. :)
They are impressionist pictures totally hijacked and stolen off the internets. :)
Yesterday was a total downer day for me. I biked to work and back, and I planned on grabbing my road bike, and do my 27 mile route to Saugatuck, and back. It was so windy I decided against it on the way home from work. I mean it would have taken me at least eleventy or twelveteen hours to get those 27 miles in. Wind would have been favorable in a very short section. Like maybe 4 miles tops, and at the end. :) So I thought well, maybe I'll do some stuff around the house. Lisa has been wanting me to get some things done, and believe it or not I do sometimes procrastinate with things around the house. :) I ended up not doing anything.
Lisa took a nap, and I plopped down to the computer, and fucked around a bit, but realized shit... I am down. Bummer. I went, and picked up some brandy... *the drink* I have to clarify that, because I am now friends with Doreen, and Jules friend Brandy DeLong. I don't know anything about her, but she runs and stuff, and lives in Florida somewhere is my guess. She is good looking too. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
Anyway I listened to music, and looked at the trees blowing in the wind. That was pretty neat. I ate a little dinner, and I think I went to bed at 5:30. :) much to the surprise of Lisa. Just one of those down days, but I feel better today. the temps. have cooled off, so I can run today, since I didn't run yesterday, so now things should be better.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I love salt on most of the fruit I eat fuckers. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Beth Rose Mickel, because I don't think she feels she deserves them all the time, but she does. :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for the rest of you tooooooooooo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
p.p.s. I'll give you Brian's note to me. :)
My flight arrives July 8, around 7pm. Ira is picking me up at the airport and I may stay the night at his place, then I'll have him bring me to Holland on Saturday. Greg is flying to Little Rock to meet his parents and then they are driving up to MI on the 8th. I know we'll go up north for 3-4 nights and you an Lisa & Hailey should plan on coming up north too for some camp fires & beer guzzling.
Don't forget the hunting. We will be bringing down somewhere in the neighborhood 10 or 12 fawns and a few badgers for good measure.Please remember to bring your 12 gauge double barrel shot gun and borrow the carbine from Melgert! Make sure he supplies plenty of ammo but whatever you do.... DON'T BRING THAT OLD BASTARD ALONG.
Ha Ha ha for the record, I never shot a fucking gun in my life. :) Melgert always wants to show those fucking things to us too. crazy fucker. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
They are impressionist pictures totally hijacked and stolen off the internets. :)
Yesterday was a total downer day for me. I biked to work and back, and I planned on grabbing my road bike, and do my 27 mile route to Saugatuck, and back. It was so windy I decided against it on the way home from work. I mean it would have taken me at least eleventy or twelveteen hours to get those 27 miles in. Wind would have been favorable in a very short section. Like maybe 4 miles tops, and at the end. :) So I thought well, maybe I'll do some stuff around the house. Lisa has been wanting me to get some things done, and believe it or not I do sometimes procrastinate with things around the house. :) I ended up not doing anything.
Lisa took a nap, and I plopped down to the computer, and fucked around a bit, but realized shit... I am down. Bummer. I went, and picked up some brandy... *the drink* I have to clarify that, because I am now friends with Doreen, and Jules friend Brandy DeLong. I don't know anything about her, but she runs and stuff, and lives in Florida somewhere is my guess. She is good looking too. shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh :)
Anyway I listened to music, and looked at the trees blowing in the wind. That was pretty neat. I ate a little dinner, and I think I went to bed at 5:30. :) much to the surprise of Lisa. Just one of those down days, but I feel better today. the temps. have cooled off, so I can run today, since I didn't run yesterday, so now things should be better.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I love salt on most of the fruit I eat fuckers. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Beth Rose Mickel, because I don't think she feels she deserves them all the time, but she does. :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for the rest of you tooooooooooo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
p.p.s. I'll give you Brian's note to me. :)
My flight arrives July 8, around 7pm. Ira is picking me up at the airport and I may stay the night at his place, then I'll have him bring me to Holland on Saturday. Greg is flying to Little Rock to meet his parents and then they are driving up to MI on the 8th. I know we'll go up north for 3-4 nights and you an Lisa & Hailey should plan on coming up north too for some camp fires & beer guzzling.
Don't forget the hunting. We will be bringing down somewhere in the neighborhood 10 or 12 fawns and a few badgers for good measure.Please remember to bring your 12 gauge double barrel shot gun and borrow the carbine from Melgert! Make sure he supplies plenty of ammo but whatever you do.... DON'T BRING THAT OLD BASTARD ALONG.
Ha Ha ha for the record, I never shot a fucking gun in my life. :) Melgert always wants to show those fucking things to us too. crazy fucker. :)
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
Stepping Up!!!
This blog starts with Kim Kim Kim's last post. I don't really have perfect vision on this thing, although I have an idea. An idea that many of you have been given a different pair of lenses. Your eyes are seeing things in ways you may not be used to. It starts with a Kim Sheridan, and maybe even before it starts with Doreen. My posts I feel are complete downers, and some of my posts are uncommentable I think, and Doreen steps in on one of my most downiest ones I have had. You see strength in Doreen, and it is one of the reasons she makes this blog every day.
So we go from the now pretty quiet Doreen, which one can only attribute to being a bit down. We need to get some greygoose and mango in her. We had Kim Sheridan step up, and let us in. Trust me knowing Kim like I do this is not easy for her. She is the type of person who I feel would have a journal, but not let anyone see, but it would probably be fascinating. Witty, insightful, and you know it would be the best. This type of thing isn't her though. Letting it out for all to see. She will get out what needs to be out. Once I stop putting her name on this blog would probably help. :) Probably embarrassing for her. :)
Anyway like I said Kim Kim Kim let us know she was feeling a bit down. All you have to do is look in the comments, and see Jen Harrison overwhelmed on the kitchen floor crying, Christi I told you about dealing with stuff. Boston Kim, being in a rut. Julia's last post had some hidden stuff, about dealing with things. Barb too, and Barb does not comment on blogs much. Like I said I don't have perfect vision on this thing, but I think all can take your guard down. If you are less than Life Life rah rah rah, show it. You will have down times. Down times are part of the deal. We have rainy days, which suck, but they help the flowers bloom. These down days are your personal rainy days, and they help you to bloom as flowers. The thing here is we are not all alike. Our lives have been built on unperfect knowledge. We have put faith in Country, Money Supply, False platitudes. We have read the happily ever after stories. Grow up, get a career, have kids, and boom that is our life.
Romance is a false vision. It doesn't last forever. Here is where you are really going to have to trust. Keep your eyes in your head. Look to yourself, this is the right way. Keep plugging along, and when you see a blog entry like a Kim Kim Kim's here you step up, and support. No one does this alone.
Thanks to all who came to Kim Kim Kim's side. You can see by her thanks how much it helped.
Yesterday I rode my bike to work, and back, and to the trails and back. I did 4 loops at the trails in the heat, and took a shit on my 2nd loop. I used Maple tree leafs I think, I was really hoping it wasn't poison ivy. Like I'd know the difference. :) LOL
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I'd like to give a little shout out to Charity who braved the heat the last two days to run in that shit. She is new to running, but did it anyway, while me and her husband Beau were drinking beer. Now that's discipline. :) We had our workouts in already let it be known. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Doreen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Extras for Doreen and Jules. I think Doreen needs more that is why. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Extras for all who stood up to help Kim Kim Kim xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
And extra for Kim Kim Kim xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
p.p.s Brian my brother in law, and his best friend Greg Ellis are coming from Hawaii in July. Look Out!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE gonna be fun. :) If he goes and visits Jackie I am not fucking going with him though. I guaranfuckingtee you that. :)
So we go from the now pretty quiet Doreen, which one can only attribute to being a bit down. We need to get some greygoose and mango in her. We had Kim Sheridan step up, and let us in. Trust me knowing Kim like I do this is not easy for her. She is the type of person who I feel would have a journal, but not let anyone see, but it would probably be fascinating. Witty, insightful, and you know it would be the best. This type of thing isn't her though. Letting it out for all to see. She will get out what needs to be out. Once I stop putting her name on this blog would probably help. :) Probably embarrassing for her. :)
Anyway like I said Kim Kim Kim let us know she was feeling a bit down. All you have to do is look in the comments, and see Jen Harrison overwhelmed on the kitchen floor crying, Christi I told you about dealing with stuff. Boston Kim, being in a rut. Julia's last post had some hidden stuff, about dealing with things. Barb too, and Barb does not comment on blogs much. Like I said I don't have perfect vision on this thing, but I think all can take your guard down. If you are less than Life Life rah rah rah, show it. You will have down times. Down times are part of the deal. We have rainy days, which suck, but they help the flowers bloom. These down days are your personal rainy days, and they help you to bloom as flowers. The thing here is we are not all alike. Our lives have been built on unperfect knowledge. We have put faith in Country, Money Supply, False platitudes. We have read the happily ever after stories. Grow up, get a career, have kids, and boom that is our life.
Romance is a false vision. It doesn't last forever. Here is where you are really going to have to trust. Keep your eyes in your head. Look to yourself, this is the right way. Keep plugging along, and when you see a blog entry like a Kim Kim Kim's here you step up, and support. No one does this alone.
Thanks to all who came to Kim Kim Kim's side. You can see by her thanks how much it helped.
Yesterday I rode my bike to work, and back, and to the trails and back. I did 4 loops at the trails in the heat, and took a shit on my 2nd loop. I used Maple tree leafs I think, I was really hoping it wasn't poison ivy. Like I'd know the difference. :) LOL
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I'd like to give a little shout out to Charity who braved the heat the last two days to run in that shit. She is new to running, but did it anyway, while me and her husband Beau were drinking beer. Now that's discipline. :) We had our workouts in already let it be known. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Doreen xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxox
Extras for Doreen and Jules. I think Doreen needs more that is why. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxxoxoxo
Extras for all who stood up to help Kim Kim Kim xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
And extra for Kim Kim Kim xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
p.p.s Brian my brother in law, and his best friend Greg Ellis are coming from Hawaii in July. Look Out!!! WEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE gonna be fun. :) If he goes and visits Jackie I am not fucking going with him though. I guaranfuckingtee you that. :)
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
Battling Through
Okay Okay this is no secret, I suck at running in the heat. I absolutely suck suck suck at it. Maybe we all do. I mean it isn't ever a fitness thing it just zaps me mentally. Yesterday I had an idea to add to my run home. I wanted to do more than the 3+ milers I have been doing. So I thought if I just add the 3.37 mile loop home from my 3.5 turn home, I should be close to 6.5 miles. I never did map it out, so I am not sure how far I went. Somewhere between 6, and 6.5. I ran for 58 minutes.
Important parts of the run are any turns I could have made to shorten the route. I have a ton of them. It was 80+ and definitely humid out. Stuff I suck in. at 41 minutes into my run, I have a turn, that takes me home, and lets me escape the hill. I stopped for a water break here. Mosied on up the hill, and survived all the rest of the turns. I had to cut short the last leg home, and walk, but that was just due to poopy issues. I don't have the poop in the middle of traffic down yet. I'll get there. An important goal for me this year. :) lol.
On a serious note, the heat played games with me mentally. Always telling me to take the easier route, to stop short, don't go on. I really had to battle myself on this run. I am glad I did. At my normal turn home at the 3.25 mile mark, I was about a minute slower than my other runs, so I was definitely going slower than normal.
Anyway I'd like to give a little shout out to Mindee (Ironmin) She has such a good set of eyes. She has overcome so much. Her journey has led her to not believing in false platitudes, but taking the courageous, and well... hmmm... you know really just a courageous way to view life. She trusts her eyes, and believes them, and accepts what she sees. A lot like Kim Sheridan. I am so glad I found people like her to read. Makes me feel good to see people take such huge steps. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. White Sox are 6 games back, and Tigers are 1.5. Looks like it will be a race after all. Woo Hoo!!! :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Mindee xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
haven't forgotten about you Christi xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo She is struggling through some stuff.
Extras for the rest of you toooooo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :))
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Important parts of the run are any turns I could have made to shorten the route. I have a ton of them. It was 80+ and definitely humid out. Stuff I suck in. at 41 minutes into my run, I have a turn, that takes me home, and lets me escape the hill. I stopped for a water break here. Mosied on up the hill, and survived all the rest of the turns. I had to cut short the last leg home, and walk, but that was just due to poopy issues. I don't have the poop in the middle of traffic down yet. I'll get there. An important goal for me this year. :) lol.
On a serious note, the heat played games with me mentally. Always telling me to take the easier route, to stop short, don't go on. I really had to battle myself on this run. I am glad I did. At my normal turn home at the 3.25 mile mark, I was about a minute slower than my other runs, so I was definitely going slower than normal.
Anyway I'd like to give a little shout out to Mindee (Ironmin) She has such a good set of eyes. She has overcome so much. Her journey has led her to not believing in false platitudes, but taking the courageous, and well... hmmm... you know really just a courageous way to view life. She trusts her eyes, and believes them, and accepts what she sees. A lot like Kim Sheridan. I am so glad I found people like her to read. Makes me feel good to see people take such huge steps. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. White Sox are 6 games back, and Tigers are 1.5. Looks like it will be a race after all. Woo Hoo!!! :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Mindee xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
haven't forgotten about you Christi xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo She is struggling through some stuff.
Extras for the rest of you toooooo xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo :))
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Monday, June 6, 2011
Coffee In Hand Ready To Go!! :)
First off I do want to confess something. I drink coffee almost every morning. I didn't want to hide that from you. :)
There is a lot on my mind today, and I am concerned about some of you. Not really concerned, but I guess I feel for you. I see things, whether it be a blog entry, a status update somewhere via Twitter, or FB, or whatever I see it.
You know let me just tell you what I was thinking of yesterday. First off I woke up late. I slept in til like 8:00 so no blog entry. We did have a blast Saturday cooking out, playing ladder toss, etc... drinking some beers. It was fun. We do it almost every weekend, so nothin new.
My mind was on Kim Sheridan a bit. I am pretty sure it is just a little rain in her life. A tough day or two to help her on the way. I look back to myself, and I realize a lot was hard. Sometimes our eyes don't like what they see, and as a Mom you know how concerned one would be for her kids. Anyway I am thinking of Kim a lot. Had a bit of a rough spot, not to mention dealing with a billion scary tornadoes this year too. Mom's have so much to worry about. I just feel for her.
Also on blog entries I joke around a lot, but Jen H's last post had some important stuff. The never ending battle to find a good balance. Feeling guilty for maybe not doing enough for her kids. Balancing work, racing goals, and being a Mom. I doubt you will ever feel like you got it in the bag. All who read Jen H. are as impressed with her as me I am sure. No doubt in my mind. I know that is a tough thing to carry. Being respected by so many people, she may feel like she always has to be strong. I love her blog though, because she always always tells us she doesn't have all the answers. I am not always so strong, and sometimes I have doubts about myself. Really we all feel that way, but not all show it.
Then I see Kim Kim Kim feeling not all 100% on top of the "life is awesome" game. We all are there sometimes. I mean let's face it we all are doing stuff, but a lot of times I would imagine the grass looks greener elsewhere. That is rain too in her life. Does she have the freedom to let her hair down, and get a little crazy as often as she may want??? Probably not.
Sometimes as you process stuff things seem hard. You know what the best thing to do with that?? At least for me. I obviously cannot speak for everyone, but, a couple drinks, and cooking out on the grill, after some type of workout(s) Celebrate the life you have chosen, and at these times stop and smell the roses. It works for me. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Oh shit, I did bike to and from the trails, and did 4 loops. Zonked me right out. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Kim Sheridan xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Jen H. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Kim Kim Kim xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
I'd give extras for Gina, but it is her birthday this week, and I am gonna have to post some more flowers on this blog. :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
There is a lot on my mind today, and I am concerned about some of you. Not really concerned, but I guess I feel for you. I see things, whether it be a blog entry, a status update somewhere via Twitter, or FB, or whatever I see it.
You know let me just tell you what I was thinking of yesterday. First off I woke up late. I slept in til like 8:00 so no blog entry. We did have a blast Saturday cooking out, playing ladder toss, etc... drinking some beers. It was fun. We do it almost every weekend, so nothin new.
My mind was on Kim Sheridan a bit. I am pretty sure it is just a little rain in her life. A tough day or two to help her on the way. I look back to myself, and I realize a lot was hard. Sometimes our eyes don't like what they see, and as a Mom you know how concerned one would be for her kids. Anyway I am thinking of Kim a lot. Had a bit of a rough spot, not to mention dealing with a billion scary tornadoes this year too. Mom's have so much to worry about. I just feel for her.
Also on blog entries I joke around a lot, but Jen H's last post had some important stuff. The never ending battle to find a good balance. Feeling guilty for maybe not doing enough for her kids. Balancing work, racing goals, and being a Mom. I doubt you will ever feel like you got it in the bag. All who read Jen H. are as impressed with her as me I am sure. No doubt in my mind. I know that is a tough thing to carry. Being respected by so many people, she may feel like she always has to be strong. I love her blog though, because she always always tells us she doesn't have all the answers. I am not always so strong, and sometimes I have doubts about myself. Really we all feel that way, but not all show it.
Then I see Kim Kim Kim feeling not all 100% on top of the "life is awesome" game. We all are there sometimes. I mean let's face it we all are doing stuff, but a lot of times I would imagine the grass looks greener elsewhere. That is rain too in her life. Does she have the freedom to let her hair down, and get a little crazy as often as she may want??? Probably not.
Sometimes as you process stuff things seem hard. You know what the best thing to do with that?? At least for me. I obviously cannot speak for everyone, but, a couple drinks, and cooking out on the grill, after some type of workout(s) Celebrate the life you have chosen, and at these times stop and smell the roses. It works for me. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Oh shit, I did bike to and from the trails, and did 4 loops. Zonked me right out. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Kim Sheridan xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Jen H. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Kim Kim Kim xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
I'd give extras for Gina, but it is her birthday this week, and I am gonna have to post some more flowers on this blog. :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Tie Up Some Things If I have Time!!
Hold on, let me get some coffee first. Oh, and good morning all. :) Hope you are doing good. :)
First off you would think I would learn my lesson!!! I think for 50-60 years I had to read about a certain someones upcoming 40th birthday last year. We are human and we age. Men, I am not sure if we care too much about aging, but it is a big deal to women in ways. Girls a lot of times want to feel pretty right?? I think I do a bad job of that with my wife. I am not sure if we are really into that though. I think at this stage of the game we really enjoy each other's company, and sense of humor etc... Human nature you know, you don't keep the same "walking on clouds" spark that last the first couple years. You still miss them though when your away, and it is always good to be home.
Anyway I have talked about Kim Sheridan before on here. She is the big fan of Henry David Thoreau. You know I picked up the "Journals" one time during heimleblog time on her recommendation. I read just a little bit, and it made me feel like the music was making me feel that summer. Anyway Kim, and I "talked" a lot after Steve R's thing. She dated him at some point, and I went to Junior Year Homecoming with him. I cannot remember who Steve's date was. For some reason I think it must have been one of Carolynn's friends, cuz Steve and I were friends, but not sure if we were the natural hang together during Homecoming friends. Maybe it was Kim, which would not have been a natural hook up for any of us really. Memory foggy.
Anyway what I wanted to say is Kim Sheridan, I said in an earlier post, had the best eyes. Meaning she sees things. What I know about Kim is I believe she was a prosecuting attorney at some point. She went to Miami of Ohio for Undergrad, same college as my old H.S. girlfriend Carolynn. Got married, and had a couple kids. Want to know my true thoughts on Kim in H.S.?? I thought she was really really pretty, and had these gorgeous eyes, but felt I was inferior. I was pretty shy, and she was too, and we probably never said much more to each other than hi. :) She also dated one of my best soccer buds in Mike Polizzi for a while. Now he was a nut.
Anyhoo, yesterday Kim had her 2nd and final son finish elementary school. His name is Andrew. Cole made this blog already for some of his races, or at least one. I didn't think much of it at the time, but that is a big deal to a person. You know one second your in High School, you do the college thing, have a career, settle down get married, have some kids, and before you know it, the kids are approaching High School. I lack understanding, because I processed through a bunch of stuff already. I get it though, and you can always believe on this blog that Kim Sheridan is a person I respect as much as anyone. You know Tia and Kim are two ladies who I always always have the utmost respect for. ALWAYS!!! I am a jokester, but always think highly of those two girls. So ya know. :)
Anyway this is important stuff. I guess we really are looking at our lives. What it means etc...
Want some heavy stuff?? Well, I'll give it to you. Now you know a long time ago I asked for the mirror. On a bonky run. What if the mirror has already been given to the whole world? If like my neighbor that one time, people use it wrong. Turn it on others instead of themselves. The mirror is used to deal with sadness. To process through stuff. If you turn it on others like my neighbor did that one time what happens?? Hate right. He threatened to shoot Lisa's brother, and tried letting our dogs out of the fence. I mean really really crazy ass batshit stuff. What if Everyone has the mirror, and only so many of us use it the right way? YIKES right???
Yeah, that is some scary shit.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. remember the day I hung out with Jacob, and the dude who lost his wife of like 50 years or whatever. Wanna know what I said in that post?? I said the mirror went farther than I thought. Know what??? I think everyone now has the mirror. I cannot tell you how I know without sounding totally nutsy, but it happened last summer/fall on a run. It was pretty weird.
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Tia and Kim Sheridan xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Gina xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Doreen and Jules of course xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I don't know about you, but that shit is kinda scary to me.
First off you would think I would learn my lesson!!! I think for 50-60 years I had to read about a certain someones upcoming 40th birthday last year. We are human and we age. Men, I am not sure if we care too much about aging, but it is a big deal to women in ways. Girls a lot of times want to feel pretty right?? I think I do a bad job of that with my wife. I am not sure if we are really into that though. I think at this stage of the game we really enjoy each other's company, and sense of humor etc... Human nature you know, you don't keep the same "walking on clouds" spark that last the first couple years. You still miss them though when your away, and it is always good to be home.
Anyway I have talked about Kim Sheridan before on here. She is the big fan of Henry David Thoreau. You know I picked up the "Journals" one time during heimleblog time on her recommendation. I read just a little bit, and it made me feel like the music was making me feel that summer. Anyway Kim, and I "talked" a lot after Steve R's thing. She dated him at some point, and I went to Junior Year Homecoming with him. I cannot remember who Steve's date was. For some reason I think it must have been one of Carolynn's friends, cuz Steve and I were friends, but not sure if we were the natural hang together during Homecoming friends. Maybe it was Kim, which would not have been a natural hook up for any of us really. Memory foggy.
Anyway what I wanted to say is Kim Sheridan, I said in an earlier post, had the best eyes. Meaning she sees things. What I know about Kim is I believe she was a prosecuting attorney at some point. She went to Miami of Ohio for Undergrad, same college as my old H.S. girlfriend Carolynn. Got married, and had a couple kids. Want to know my true thoughts on Kim in H.S.?? I thought she was really really pretty, and had these gorgeous eyes, but felt I was inferior. I was pretty shy, and she was too, and we probably never said much more to each other than hi. :) She also dated one of my best soccer buds in Mike Polizzi for a while. Now he was a nut.
Anyhoo, yesterday Kim had her 2nd and final son finish elementary school. His name is Andrew. Cole made this blog already for some of his races, or at least one. I didn't think much of it at the time, but that is a big deal to a person. You know one second your in High School, you do the college thing, have a career, settle down get married, have some kids, and before you know it, the kids are approaching High School. I lack understanding, because I processed through a bunch of stuff already. I get it though, and you can always believe on this blog that Kim Sheridan is a person I respect as much as anyone. You know Tia and Kim are two ladies who I always always have the utmost respect for. ALWAYS!!! I am a jokester, but always think highly of those two girls. So ya know. :)
Anyway this is important stuff. I guess we really are looking at our lives. What it means etc...
Want some heavy stuff?? Well, I'll give it to you. Now you know a long time ago I asked for the mirror. On a bonky run. What if the mirror has already been given to the whole world? If like my neighbor that one time, people use it wrong. Turn it on others instead of themselves. The mirror is used to deal with sadness. To process through stuff. If you turn it on others like my neighbor did that one time what happens?? Hate right. He threatened to shoot Lisa's brother, and tried letting our dogs out of the fence. I mean really really crazy ass batshit stuff. What if Everyone has the mirror, and only so many of us use it the right way? YIKES right???
Yeah, that is some scary shit.
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. remember the day I hung out with Jacob, and the dude who lost his wife of like 50 years or whatever. Wanna know what I said in that post?? I said the mirror went farther than I thought. Know what??? I think everyone now has the mirror. I cannot tell you how I know without sounding totally nutsy, but it happened last summer/fall on a run. It was pretty weird.
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Tia and Kim Sheridan xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Gina xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Doreen and Jules of course xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I don't know about you, but that shit is kinda scary to me.
Friday, June 3, 2011
OMG, I Cannot Think Of A Title, This Is Going To Be Good No Doubt!! :)
Well well well, good morning all. Nice and early here in West Michigan. I have it being 3:05 as I write this. Guess what??? It is Friday. Yayyyyy!!! :) Lesseee, do I have anything to "talk" about today?? Nothing major that is for sure.
At work we had our 2nd audit, and we passed with flying colors. 87.5%. Not too shabby. The store needs to do 80% or higher for me to get a bonus, and obviously we did that. So that is cool. As we work at a lumberyard there is a mad dash from March sometime til Memorial day to load up on the shit we'll sell this summer. So happy we passed our audit when we just finished one of our busiest weekends... Memorial Day, and we have the most shit in the store.
I feel kinda tired today, and I was last night too. I sometimes wonder if it comes across. I think it probably does, somehow someway. Oh well. I ran home from work yesterday, and that is 3.5 miles @ 9:05 pace. I do want to clarify the low 9:00's I am happy as a running pace, I just think add 3 miles, and it might be closer to 9:30'ish pace I bet. That is what I mostly mean. I don't think I am in distance shape. It would probably help to run some distance besides my 3 milers. We will get there. Oh, and the last two days the temps were great for running. You throw in heat and humidity and slow the sucker wayyyyyy down. I guess that is training though huh. You do what you can, and see where it ends. Good day or bad day?? Want to know something I like?? I liked running home from work, and it being my form of transportation. It added a little excitement to the run. You know not just getting out to get a run, but also serving as a form of transportation. Anyway that is what I thought of as I ran home. :)
Today I am not sure if I will run to work, or bike to work. We shall see. I'll let you know later. :)
That is it for today!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. That I p.s. everyday is for Boston Kim. It is better than poop!! :) Also sharing the smiles with Jessica. That is how I started reading Jessica, so I mention her every day too. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Jessica, cuz I hope she can smile more. :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I'd give Doreen and Jules extras, but they always always get extras. :) xoxoxoxoxoxo :)
At work we had our 2nd audit, and we passed with flying colors. 87.5%. Not too shabby. The store needs to do 80% or higher for me to get a bonus, and obviously we did that. So that is cool. As we work at a lumberyard there is a mad dash from March sometime til Memorial day to load up on the shit we'll sell this summer. So happy we passed our audit when we just finished one of our busiest weekends... Memorial Day, and we have the most shit in the store.
I feel kinda tired today, and I was last night too. I sometimes wonder if it comes across. I think it probably does, somehow someway. Oh well. I ran home from work yesterday, and that is 3.5 miles @ 9:05 pace. I do want to clarify the low 9:00's I am happy as a running pace, I just think add 3 miles, and it might be closer to 9:30'ish pace I bet. That is what I mostly mean. I don't think I am in distance shape. It would probably help to run some distance besides my 3 milers. We will get there. Oh, and the last two days the temps were great for running. You throw in heat and humidity and slow the sucker wayyyyyy down. I guess that is training though huh. You do what you can, and see where it ends. Good day or bad day?? Want to know something I like?? I liked running home from work, and it being my form of transportation. It added a little excitement to the run. You know not just getting out to get a run, but also serving as a form of transportation. Anyway that is what I thought of as I ran home. :)
Today I am not sure if I will run to work, or bike to work. We shall see. I'll let you know later. :)
That is it for today!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. That I p.s. everyday is for Boston Kim. It is better than poop!! :) Also sharing the smiles with Jessica. That is how I started reading Jessica, so I mention her every day too. :)
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Jessica, cuz I hope she can smile more. :) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
I'd give Doreen and Jules extras, but they always always get extras. :) xoxoxoxoxoxo :)
Thursday, June 2, 2011
WOAH... Pefect Day???
This is really going to be nothing about nothing, but yesterday was just a pretty good day overall. I showed up to work, and I felt like taking a nap at 6:30 am... 1-1/2 hours after I got there. I thought to myself ohhhhhh, this is going to be a longggggggg day. I actually worked through it. I took my break lunch at 8:30, and took a little nap then. Finished my day at 1:40 or something, and the day was mine. I have like 17 days of vacation left, but I get out of work by 1 or 2:00 every day, I feel like I am always on vacation. :) Know what I mean?? I biked to the post office to send a post card to Penny Nash's daughter in Wales I believe. Something for school. She needs post cards from around the world. It was one of those days though. I mean it was windy as hell, but I swear I felt the wind was at my back the whole time. Ya know just enjoyin the day. I get home, and know I need to get a run in. I plop down on my bed, and WOAH!!! Where did that 40 minutes or so go??? ;)
I did my little run. It was just a little 3.13 miler at around 9:00 pace or so. I am out of shape... AGAIN!!!! Frick!!! A pretty good run though, and I will run again today, so all is good, and I will get back in shape, quickly.
Now all ya know about my friend Beau. Ya know he ruptured his achilles a while back. I hung out with him for a bit yesterday, and he got the clean bill of health from the Doc. Good to go back to work in a couple weeks. The Doctor was pretty impressed with his recovery. Beau always did more than the Doc told him too. So he is ready to go back to work, and the Doc didn't even order any Physical Therapy. I guess he kinda said do whatever it is you have been doing. He was riding an exercise bike wayyyyyyyyyy before the Doc thought he should. Definitely way before Charity thought he should too. It was kinda our little secret. She was a bit uptight about that. So a good ole shout out to active recovery. :) Beau did some research, and read blogs on those with achilles injuries, and really it is almost always about active recovery for injuries like that. Get the blood flowing.
Hmmmmmmmmmm anything else????
Nah, guess that is about it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I luv summer!!!! :))))
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Olga she is wonna my favs. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for the rest of you toooooooooo. :))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Tryin to think of a way to add Boston Kim to my signature line, but not sure how to yet. I'll come up with something though. She funny!!! :)) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya!!! :D :D
I did my little run. It was just a little 3.13 miler at around 9:00 pace or so. I am out of shape... AGAIN!!!! Frick!!! A pretty good run though, and I will run again today, so all is good, and I will get back in shape, quickly.
Now all ya know about my friend Beau. Ya know he ruptured his achilles a while back. I hung out with him for a bit yesterday, and he got the clean bill of health from the Doc. Good to go back to work in a couple weeks. The Doctor was pretty impressed with his recovery. Beau always did more than the Doc told him too. So he is ready to go back to work, and the Doc didn't even order any Physical Therapy. I guess he kinda said do whatever it is you have been doing. He was riding an exercise bike wayyyyyyyyyy before the Doc thought he should. Definitely way before Charity thought he should too. It was kinda our little secret. She was a bit uptight about that. So a good ole shout out to active recovery. :) Beau did some research, and read blogs on those with achilles injuries, and really it is almost always about active recovery for injuries like that. Get the blood flowing.
Hmmmmmmmmmm anything else????
Nah, guess that is about it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. I luv summer!!!! :))))
Love You All xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for Olga she is wonna my favs. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras for the rest of you toooooooooo. :))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Tryin to think of a way to add Boston Kim to my signature line, but not sure how to yet. I'll come up with something though. She funny!!! :)) xoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya!!! :D :D
Wednesday, June 1, 2011
Good Morning!! :)
I wrote a couple sentences, and I thought to myself, holy ass is that a boring couple of sentences. So now I have absolutely no idea what I am going to write. Lemme gets me some coffee, and maybe I'll think of something.
Well I guess I can say I added a few bloggers. One is Jen Harrison's friend with the cute picture of her on a tricycle. I have seen her around, not so much on comments, but I totally remember seeing that picture... geez maybe as long as a couple years ago. I think I even read her before, but you know back then I only commented on the few blogs I read. The other person is someone else. I don't really know her, but I let her know. I actually followed her blog too. That is an easy way to make sure they get in your reader huh?? I never knew that.
Anyhoo, I feel I have been pretty lazy the last couple of days. I normally probably would have run yesterday, but it was like 1000 fricken degrees outside, and you know that run would have been crap. I mean I was drenched just cutting the grass.
OMG I have nothing to write about. So I have an idea. An idea for a list. It came from Mindee's blog (IronMin) She said something simple, but that is cute, and unique, and all that shit. She had a paragraph on how much she liked corn on the cob. Something as simple as that. So a list of things I like:
Same as before too. Don't forget. My lists are ALWAYS better than yours. :) j/k :)
Woah, tough blogging day for me today. I seriously got nothing. I am going to add another blogger though. She comments on a lot of the same blogs I read, and she uses xoxo a lot. I am a total sucker for that. She has had a rough year, or so, with some health issues. I don't know all about it, but I feel bad for her. I've checked her out here and there before, but never added, so I guess I will do that. After this of course. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Come on, if I got nothing for my blog you know I got nothing for my p.s. :)
Love You All!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras and Extras for everyone. :))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
p.p.s. Normally I enter in with a comment, but I didn't this time. :) Oh well, next post. :)
Well I guess I can say I added a few bloggers. One is Jen Harrison's friend with the cute picture of her on a tricycle. I have seen her around, not so much on comments, but I totally remember seeing that picture... geez maybe as long as a couple years ago. I think I even read her before, but you know back then I only commented on the few blogs I read. The other person is someone else. I don't really know her, but I let her know. I actually followed her blog too. That is an easy way to make sure they get in your reader huh?? I never knew that.
Anyhoo, I feel I have been pretty lazy the last couple of days. I normally probably would have run yesterday, but it was like 1000 fricken degrees outside, and you know that run would have been crap. I mean I was drenched just cutting the grass.
OMG I have nothing to write about. So I have an idea. An idea for a list. It came from Mindee's blog (IronMin) She said something simple, but that is cute, and unique, and all that shit. She had a paragraph on how much she liked corn on the cob. Something as simple as that. So a list of things I like:
Same as before too. Don't forget. My lists are ALWAYS better than yours. :) j/k :)
- I like corn on the cob too.
- I like how the grass looks after it is cut.
- I don't poop scoop the back yard before I cut, cuz I am too lazy. :)
- I haven't seen as many robins this year as last.
- Remember how sometimes just seeing a robin made me feel good. :)
- ooops, I was going to write something I didn't like. :)
Woah, tough blogging day for me today. I seriously got nothing. I am going to add another blogger though. She comments on a lot of the same blogs I read, and she uses xoxo a lot. I am a total sucker for that. She has had a rough year, or so, with some health issues. I don't know all about it, but I feel bad for her. I've checked her out here and there before, but never added, so I guess I will do that. After this of course. :)
That is it for today!!! :)
Thanks for reading!!! :)
Hope Everyone has a Great and Awesome Day!!! :)
xo's!!! :)
Love You All!!! :)
p.s. Come on, if I got nothing for my blog you know I got nothing for my p.s. :)
Love You All!!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Ya'All are the best. xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras of these xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Extras of these xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Extras and Extras for everyone. :))) xoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxoxo
Now for really really cya cya cya :D :D
p.p.s. Normally I enter in with a comment, but I didn't this time. :) Oh well, next post. :)
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