Thursday, March 12, 2020

The Fever Broke.

So yesterday definitely sucked. I left work a bit early, just cuz I was done. Mentally drained. I came home, and tried to sleep, but sleep eluded me. It may be, cuz my heart rate never got below 90. My body was battling. I eventually did fall asleep. We had McDonalds for dinner, cuz I was craving that of all things. Don't ask. I would have done pizza, but definitely junk food is what I craved. 

I was worrying about the sleep thing. I didn't want to be up all night. I did sleep, and at some point woke up with my shirts drenched. My legs don't ache this morning,  and my heart rate is down quite a bit. You can see it plummet in the graph. 

The back is still sore,  but it loosens up with movement. My wrist is still sore, and that's annoying, and I still have my cough. I do feel good though, and coffee is so much better when your heart rate is down. It sucks kinda if your heart rate is running high. At least for me. I know there are people who drink multiple cups a day, but I  like my one in the morning. 

My IRA account is getting butchered. It's a bit more aggressive than my personal one. They sold some stock in my non IRA account, bought some, and now I am sitting on a good amount of cash. Relatively speaking of course. It stands at about 16-17% cash. I keep adding $100 each week. Now I am not the one to get upset about these losses, cuz if things correct eventually than there will be heavy production for sure. There most assuredly will be a slow down. 

I saw a blurb yesterday that Berkshire Hathaway was sitting on  I think $122 Billion dollars in cash. When the markets tumble its good to have cash on hand, cuz then you can take advantage. The cash in my non IRA account is a little shy of $122 Billion, but I am glad I am set up to take advantage.  Plus I put in $100 each week. It will take me a year or two to get that up to $122 Billion.   ;)

So life goes on. I noticed when I am sick,  I am kinda a better person. I am not so judgmental. I don't like being sick though. If you cannot enjoy your days is there even a reason to be alive?  Not really. There always is hope for better days though. 

Anyhoo that's about it. I am almost done with the outsider book, and today is a new day. It will definitely be better than yesterday. Next time I get a fever, I am calling in. It's not worth it. I am so dumb.  

Anyway I gotta run.  

Laterzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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