I can tell I am not feeling real great, cuz I am not really excited about the day. I'll be walking like I got a pencil up my butt. I am pretty sure I am not tasting food too great. Not feeling like I'll have much of an appetite at all. I almost feel like call in sick sick, but it's not like I ever do that. I am the bad person who will give everyone the Coronavirus, because I always go to work. I am not going to take Hope today. I am not really tired either, so that is why I am not sleeping. Life kinda sucks when you are sick.
Of course this week is starting out pretty quick. Monday and Tuesday were over 13 miles. I am not going to work out today, also I am driving to work too. Although riding my bike may make me feel better, but you never know about that. I think I'll just chug water today. My legs are definitely achy. Not from consecutive 13 milers either. You know where it kinda hurts in the joints? Yuck. Last week I went to the doctor. My temp was fine, lungs were clear, and BP was fine. So it definitely just came on. The same as my elevated resting heart rate.
When you become sick you just don't give a shit about things you did just last week. Come to think of it, I kinda wanted a lazy Sunday when I woke up. I'm gonna say that was the beginning. You know how I typically wake up, and I am like go go go? I definitely wasn't Sunday.
So today, I think I'll power through work, come home, and go straight to bed. Watch tv or something. I hope this bug gets rid of the cough too. My cough does seem like it may be healing.
Oh one thing I learned yesterday was about the flu shot. Getting it is a good idea. I never did, cuz I never got the flu til like last year. Getting a flu shot helps teach your body to fight off the flu. Even if you never get the flu, like getting a shot exposes your body to it, and it can learn from it. When your body is confronted with something new it can fight it kamikaze style, and that probably isn't the best way. Don't ask me what I googled to learn that. It wasn't sexy farm animal images, which probably is my #1 search on Google. ;) haha.
Laterzzzzzzzzzz. :)
xoxo. :)
xxoo. :)
Byeeeeeeeeee. :)))
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