Monday, March 2, 2020

I Like Mondays.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. Yesterday I got all my shit done. Kinda early too, so I ran out of shit to do, and had cocktails. That is why I like Monday. Monday is busy, I work,  workout, we do dinner,  watch a new episode of the outsider. The day fills up. 

I hate running out of shit to do. Especially too early in the day. I guess I don't really run out of stuff to do, I just run out of stuff I want to do. I don't really know what people do with downtime. I don't particularly like watching tv in the afternoon. I feel that's as bad as drinking. You'd probably see me do both during football season. I don't feel like laying down to read either. I need a time filler on Sundays.  

Also some days its really easy for me to not drink, and some days after work and stuff that is exactly what I want to do. I guess getting rid of the want to is the hard thing. It just shows up out of nowhere.  I am thankful no matter if I do drink, I do have an internal stop button. I hit my max, and I don't want anymore. It's how I have gone years without a hangover. Still I want the want to gone, and be done with that vice. 

What a pain huh?  So many vices in the World.  

Anyway like I said I like Mondays. It's a busy day. It's a simple day. Not a lot of pressure to a Monday. Most days really. The only thing I worry about is the drinking thing. Its something I dont want to do, but it is something I still sometimes do. I don't feel good about it either.  

I want to be the best healthiest version of me I can be. Drinking stops me from doing that. I guess i can still function at 100% if i have a few cocktails,  but it is something i don't want in my life. 

You may say just dont do it. You are right,  i shouldn't.  Sometimes though at the end of the day want to hits pretty hard. Being human is really an exercise in failure. In our minds we probably picture who we want to be, and maybe/probably we fail every day. 

You know I am pretty consistent I'd say, but still I feel I have shortcomings.  Hope,  and I are going to take a walk. I am getting to the finish of a pretty good book. Its actually a series of books, but I bought it all as one book. Its really good. Stephen King really liked the author. He died of aids at some point, and his daughter finished up some book he started before he passed. He wrote the screenplay for beetlejuice. 

The book is called Blackwater,  the complete saga.  It's been entertaining.  I am like 24 hours into it, so I'll finish it this week sometime.  

I am thankful its Monday. A busy, but simple day. Looking forward to the new episode of the outsider. Looking forward to not drinking too.   :)

Laterzzzzzzzzzz.       :)

xoxo.         :)

xxoo.         :)

Byeeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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