Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Moving Forward...Whatever That Means.

Good morning. How's it going?  Me, I am fine. I didn't sleep as good last night as the night before, so I slept a little later. It was a non drinking night so my resting heart rate is lower. Kinda crazy how that works huh?  I didn't see any warnings from the surgeon general. 

I know ciggarettes are bad, and the warnings everyone knows. Is alcohol a big cause of heart problems?  It's probably hard to really say, cuz so many other factors play a part.   My guess is alcohol sneaks up on the casual drinker. I don't know what I would have been considered. A frequent casual drinker if that's a thing. I drank many days out of the year, just never really overdid it to a bad extreme. I know now it was not healthy for me. 

Alcohol is kinda a crazy drug. You worry if you are an "alcoholic"  you know like now you lost control over yourself. There are people who are at a bad extreme. You know, they wake up to a glass of vodka or something. If anyone ever drank a fifth in a day, that would be troubling. Especially in a day after day situation. I am just here to say for the frequent casual drinker, alcohol seems to me to be pretty bad for you. I am not sure if we know that though. I learned through my fitbit, and regular blood work. 

Blood pressure, lipid count, and heart rate are affected negatively.  Even for someone who has been as active as me. 

So, I still battle on. At some point yesterday I did feel like going to the bar to get a drink. I think it was after the kids dog took my library book outside,  and ripped it to shreds. I finished the 2nd of 4 stories on it, and was looking forward to starting the 3rd. I noticed the shithead probably took my slipper outside,  so while I was looking for that,  I found my book too with a billion pieces of paper everywhere, and a book cover that looked familiar.   :)  I was really looking forward to reading the other 2 stories too. I did start the outsider book though. It starts off very much like the series on HBO.  My guess is HBO put out a very good product.  I am entertained by it. My Monday I look forward to the episode.  Next week is the last one. 

As a day yesterday was pretty busy. Over 13 miles. it was a full day of work. I did the dishes, did some reading,  and watched a couple episodes of the blacklist. The blacklist is not a bad show. 

I guess what I wish now is to do more reading,  and more show watching, cuz something has to take up my normal time of having cocktails.  I thought originally maybe just more activity would be the ticket,  but I am guessing my few hours of downtime should be just that. 

Other than that I guess everything is normal. Just trying to change my want to around.  I guess for as long as I remember I did what I wanted. Yeah, I worked, and ran, but my want to was cocktails to finish off the day. 

At my age health becomes a more important factor. I've been working out consistently, and honestly that takes a lot of little things away. Little aches and pains  disappear.  A strong core actually helps your bowel movements some. Something I noticed.  

Today will be another busy day. Me sleeping late means I have to take Hope after my workout. Not ideal how that pans out. 

I'll have some dinner,  hopefully time for the outsider book, and some blacklist. A simple day for sure, but still a pretty active one. For me that is easy though. 

I gotta make a salad.  Decided to start just making 2 every couple days, instead of one really big one.  

Gotta go.  

Laterzzzzzzzz.     :)

xoxo.       :)

xxoo.          :)

Byeeeeeeeeee.      :)))

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